
Best Whitening Face Cream In Nigeria


There are a lot of products that come with whitening on the package but they don’t actually whiten the body this is because so many producers used that strategy to lure people into buying their products, I know some ladies have fall victim to such scenarios, that is why in this article we are going to be sharing with you some of the best whitening face creams in Nigeria, these products are very effective for lightening the face, you can’t be wrong with purchasing these whitening face cream they contain ingredients that lighten the skin, if you want to lighten your skin these are one of the best face creams.

6 Best Whitening Face Creams In Nigeria

Bismid face cream

1. Bismid Kojic Acid And Glutathione Face Cream: Bismid Kojic acid and glutathione face cream is an extra whitening night face cream that is formulated with Kojic acid which is a natural skin whitening ingredient and glutathione which is another skin whitening ingredient, this face cream gives an extreme whitening, it can help to reduce acne scars, it treats hyperpigmentation, it smoothens the skin, it gives a natural glow and youthful skin this face cream is one of the best whitening face creams in Nigeria.

How To Use

  • Apply directly on clean skin.
  • Massage gently into the skin.

  • Supreme face cream

2. Supreme White Face Cream: Supreme face cream has four different types but we are going to be talking about Supreme white carrot facial cream, this cream is formulated with Kojic acid, Rico rice, almond oil, carrot extract, grape seed oil, alpha- arbutin, AHA, vitamin C, SPF 30, etc this face is an extreme whitening face cream, it is richly formulated to give the skin the youthful glow it deserves, this face cream is effective in treating acne, clearing of blemishes, it reduces hyperpigmentation, makes the skin whiter and radiant.

How To Use

  • Apply after taking your bath.
  • Massage gently on your face and neck.
  • Apply daily for effective results.

  • Aneeza gold face cream

3. Aneeza Gold Face Cream: Aneeza gold face cream is a whitening face cream that is formulated with Kojic acid, avocado, and aloe vera extract, this face cream is very effective in treating pimples, dark spots, and dark circles around the eye, it can also even out the skin, the avocado in this face cream can help moisturize the skin, keeps the face hydrated, restore damaged skin cells, rejuvenate the skin, and increase the skin overall health, Aneeza gold face cream is one of the best whitening face creams in Nigeria.

How To Use

  • Apply after taking a bath.
  • Apply evenly on the face and neck.
  • Apply consistently for an effective glow.

  • Gold face cream

4. Gold Face Cream: Gold final white facial cream is a whitening face cream that is richly formulated with fruits acid and AHA. This face cream is formulated to deeply moisturize and hydrate the skin, reduce skin aging for a flawless youthful glow, and help treat acne and blemishes. This face cream is formulated to clear dark spots and acne spots and dark circles around the eyes and mouth region.

How To Use

  • Apply on clean skin.
  • Apply on the face and neck concentrating on spots and acne areas.
  • Apply daily for effective results.

  • Extreme white face cream

5. Extreme White Face Cream: Extreme white face cream is an intense toning face cream that is formulated with carrot oil and argan oil. This face cream has two different types there is a day cream that contains SPF 30 and a night cream without SPF they both work great for skin whitening. This face is effective in treating acne and pimples, it helps to clear dark spots, reduces skin aging, restores skin firmness, etc this face cream is highly recommended, and it is very safe for the face.

How To Use

  • Apply on a clean skin
  • Massage gently into your face and neck
  • Apply daily for maximum protection

  • Purec Egyptian face cream

6. Purec Egyptian Magic Whitening Gold Facial Cream: Purec Egyptian Magic whitening gold facial cream is richly formulated with ascorbic acid, egg yolk, UVA, UVB, collagen, carrot oil, etc this face cream is effective in treating acne and pimples, reduces wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin, moisturize the skin, clear dark spots and acne scars, increases facial whitening, restore skin elasticity and firmness, and it gives the skin a youthful glow.

How To Use

  • Apply on a clean skin.
  • Apply evenly on the face and neck.
  • Apply consistently for effective results.

Steps To Apply When Using A Whitening Face Cream

1. Use Sunscreen: Most whitening creams contain ingredients that make the skin soft and tender, leaving the skin susceptible to UV radiation, so it is best to use sunscreen during the day to avoid sun damage. Sunscreen is very important when using a lightening product it protects the skin from sunburn and makes our lightening creams more effective.

2. Avoid Harsh Products: Most people tend to use harsh products like face toner and face cleanser when using their whitening products to become whiter, but this will only result in more skin damage it is advisable to get a mild face cleanser and mild face toner this won’t reduce the effectiveness of your face cream, it will enable your face cream to work very well without causing any damage to your skin.

3. Use Mild Soap: If you want your skin to keep glowing without any effects, then you shouldn’t use a whitening soap with a whitening face cream this will eventually leave your skin prone to skin problems, so it is preferable to use a mild soap with your whitening face cream there are good soaps that go with whitening products, when I mean mild soap it definitely means a soap with lesser lightening ingredients, this will work perfectly with your whitening face cream.

4. Stay Hydrated: For an effective youthful and fairer skin complexion it is advisable to stay hydrated all the time, you should increase your intake of water this helps the skin to retain moisture and gives room for the whitening creams to become more effective. It also improves the overall health of the skin.

Conclusion: A fairer skin complexion is usually tender, meaning special care should be applied to keep the skin beautiful. When shopping for whitening products go for the ones that are skin friendly these whitening facial creams listed above are 100% safe for the skin, and there can be found in most cosmetics and drugs store in Nigeria.

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