
Fruits That keep your Body Fresh

Fruits contain vitamins, the major vitamins are contained in fruits and vitamin is a necessity that is needed by the body, lack of the vitamin can lead to deficiency, which is accompanied by various symptoms and can make the body prone to infection most of our daily food is packed with carbohydrates, with little or no vitamins, we need vitamins to fight against unwanted substances in our body, it can help build our body's immune system, fruits can make your body fresh and glowing there are various types of fruits. we will be talking about some essential fruits that should be on your list when going shopping.


Top 10 Fruits For Glowing Skin


1. Watermelon: Watermelon is rich in vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B, watermelon is composed of 92% of water, which is very helpful in keeping the body hydrated, vitamin C can help increase the body's immunity, and vitamin A can help increase the production of collagen in the skin which helps to increase skin elasticity, vitamin B can help in cell defense, it helps to repair damaged cells in the body and skin, it can also strengthen the skin. Watermelon is a great source of vitamins for healthy skin.

How To Use

  • You can add watermelon to your fruit salad.
  • Eat watermelon for a healthy breakfast or lunch
  • you can blend it for watermelon juice.

  • orange

2. Orange: Orange also has a large capacity of water, it is a great source of vitamin C, it can help the body to retain moisture, vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps to boost the immune system of the body, it can help boost collagen production which can increase the skin's firmness and elasticity, it can also help reduce skin acne and aging, vitamin C is important for healthy skin, it can also improve the skin's appearance.

How To Use

  • Squeeze to get freshly made orange juice.
  • The peel of orange can be used as a skin exfoliator when blended.

  • Papaya

3. Papaya: Papaya is a great fruit for the body, it has lots of benefits for the skin, which is why it is used in most skincare products, papaya is extremely rich in vitamin A, Vitamin B, and Vitamin C, which makes it an excellent fruit for a fresh body, it can help to improve skin health at its peak, vitamin A in this fruit can help restore damaged skin cells, vitamin B can help increase skin moisture, vitamin C can help increase immunity and even out the skin out, it is also effective in preventing acne, papaya can help to aid digestion in the body.

How To Use

  • You can add papaya to your fruit salad
  • Papaya can be used as a facial mask
  • Papaya can also be used in smoothies with other fruits.

  • Avocado

4. Avocado: Avocado is a great source of vitamins A, B, C, and K, these vitamins are important in healthy skin, vitamin A can help reduce skin wrinkles, and vitamin B can help to strengthen the skin and increase the defense of the skin protective barrier, Vitamin C can help protect the skin from sun damage, Vitamin k helps to balance free radicals in the body, Avocado can serve the body with lots of benefits.

How To Use

  • you can add avocado to your fruit salad
  • Avocado can be mashed with yogurt, milk, and honey for your smoothies
  • Avocado can be applied to the skin to soften the skin. ( add a tablespoon of avocado paste to 2 tablespoons of milk and one teaspoon of honey apply for 25- 35 mins and rinse off with lukewarm water)

  • pineapple

5. Pineapple: Pineapples are nutritious for healthy glowing skin it can help to flush toxic substances from the body, reduces bad sweat odor, it increases skin moisture, this fruit is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K, vitamin A is very effective in renewing skin cells, vitamin c has the properties of an antioxidant that remove toxic substances from the body, it can also help to boost collagen production and make the skin firm, this fruit is enriching to the body.

How To Use

  • Serve pineapples with your dessert.
  • Pineapples can be taken as a side dish after your meal.
  • It can be blended into freshly made pineapple juice.

  • Apple

6. Apple: Apple is a fruit that is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A these vitamins can help to soothe the skin, increases immunity, increases the firmness of the skin, and brighten the skin's appearance, this fruit can help to reduce acne, an apple a great source for the body immune system an apple a day can boost the immune system of the body, this fruit intake can restore a healthy and fresh body.

How To Use

  • Add apple to your fruit salad
  • Eat an apple daily
  • Add apples to your smoothies

  • strawberry

7. Strawberry: Strawberries are very nutritious for the body they serve the skin great benefits such as reducing acne and restoring damaged skin. It is rich in vitamin C it is also sumptuous to the taste bud, this fruit is used in both skin product and fruits supplements, strawberries can help reduce sun damage, it can also help improve the skin texture, reduces wrinkles and skin acne,

How To Use

  • Add strawberries to your daily meal like custard, oatmeal, etc
  • You can add strawberries to your fruit salad
  • Strawberries can be added to your smoothies
  • Strawberries can be served with dessert

  • Banana

8. Banana: Bananas are great for a fresh and healthy body, this fruit has lots of benefits for the skin such as soothing the skin, and improving the skin texture and firmness, bananas are rich in vitamins C, A, and E which makes it a nutritious fruit for skin maintenance, it can help improve the overall skin health, it can also reduce free radicals in the body.

How To Use

  • Bananas are great in smoothies ( Add 2 sticks of banana, 2 spoons of yogurt, milk, and groundnut, and blend together)
  • Bananas can be served with your dish like oatmeal, custard, rice, spaghetti, yogurt, etc

  • mango

9. Mango: Mangoes are a great fruit for the skin, they can help to improve the skin's appearance, most pregnant women eat this fruit a lot because of these benefits it can help nourish the baby's skin and improve the overall health of the baby, mango is rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin A, mango can help reduce skin acne, improve the skin texture and reduces wrinkles and fine lines for healthy and youthful skin.

How To Use

  • Mangoes can be eaten daily.
  • Mango can be blended into smoothies.
  • Mangoes can also be applied to the skin to reduce acne scars.

  • kiwi

10. Kiwi: kiwi fruits are extremely nourishing to the skin, they can help improve the skin's appearance, it can help reduce skin aging, this fruit is rich in vitamin C which can serve the skin and body great benefits, this fruit has lots of amazing skin benefits for healthy and glowing skin, kiwi fruit can reduce dull and flaky skin by repairing damaged skin.

How To Use

  • kiwi is good at making smoothies
  • Kiwis can be added to your fruit salad
  • kiwi fruits can also be added to your meal as a side dish.

Conclusion: These fruits are refreshing for the body, and they can help to restore damaged skin, fruits should be eaten daily for healthy skin, and fruits should be added to our daily breakfast, lunch, or dinner whichever way you prefer taking in fruits it’s fine. A fresh body doesn’t come from your healthy meal alone, you can actually achieve one by adding fruits to your dish which can help to improve your overall skin health and appearance.

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