
How To Reduce Dark Circles With Turmeric In 7 Days

Dark circles

Dark circles can be alarming because it is usually very visible and can reduce your youthful glow most times dark eye circles can be visible on people that have tiny skin vessels around the eyes, dark eye circles can be more visible on fair skin tone than dark skin tone. dark eye circles can be a result of so many things such as health conditions, lack of sleep, stress, hyperpigmentation, hereditary, sun damage, allergies, aging, etc whatsoever the case maybe it can be easily treated with some natural and chemical substances. Most natural ingredients can clear dark circles but in this article, we will be talking about the use of turmeric in treating dark circles. So if you are battling with getting rid of that dark eye circle you are welcome to get amazing solutions to that dark circles.

What Deficiencies Cause Dark Eye Circles

Deficiency is the lack of a particular nutrient needed by the body to perform a specific function in the body. There are deficiencies of some vitamins that can lead to dark eye circles, the absence of these vitamins in our body may lead to dark circles examples of such vitamins are vitamin B12, vitamin E, and, vitamin k. vitamin E helps to increase blood circulation in the skin which can help to even out the skin, vitamin B12 helps in the production of blood cells these vitamins helps in healthy skin and improves the skin's appearance. If you ever noticed any dark circles it might just be a deficiency of these vitamins, an iron deficiency can also lead to dark circles because iron helps the body in the formation of red blood cells. To give a youthful glow you should add a supplement to your diet to avoid any sort of deficiencies.

Are Dark Eye Circles Permanent

This is one question people keep asking and will continue to ask because the tendency of dark circles can be overwhelming in some cases, but to be sincere dark circles are not permanent it might take some time to completely clear off but it is not permanent. Most people after treating a dark circle for some time tend to stop the dark circles routine which may come back after some time, skincare routine is supposed to be consistent in the way you always use your body lotion that is the same way you should continue using the dark circle cream or formula whichever ways you are going to be treating your dark circles. Dark eye circles usually go off with a treatment in one week but you shouldn’t discontinue the procedure because it can come back easily, the only thing you are required to do is to reduce the frequency at which you are using a particular product or ingredient, you can change your routine from daily usage to twice or once a week.

Causes Of Dark Eye Circles

1. Aging: Aging is the ability of the skin to lose its elasticity which can result in fine lines and wrinkles this can result in thinner skin which can result in more visible blood vessels, the skin under the eyes is usually very thin compared to the other part of the body, aging can result in a very thin skin leaving the eyes to dark circles.

2. Smoking And Drinking: Smoking and drinking can lead to dull and flaky skin because alcohol tends to cause dehydration in the body and dehydrated skin can become more dry and flaky, this can also result in more visible dark circles around the eyes.

3. Caffeine: Caffeine is another cause of dark circles caffeine, caffeine is usually found in the cocoa bean, coffee bean, kola nuts, etc caffeine is used in the production of most of our daily food like chocolate, yogurt, green tea, cocoa tea, coffee, ice cream, cocoa powder, flavors, etc caffeine can result in dehydration in the body, by dehydration the body tends to lose water and water is important for the proper functioning of the body, dehydrated skin will look pale and dull which will result in dark circles.

4. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes can be the result of an unhealthy diet, stress, etc hormonal changes can result in fatigue, and anxiety which can result in pale and dull skin, the skin might become very thin and can lead to the appearance of dark circles.

5. Stress: Stress is one thing that reflects in our body, once the body it’s being stressed it can lead to a complete breakdown, you can easily see the signs of stress in your body, our body has a limit of work it can take when the body is being overworked it becomes stressed out. Stress can leave the skin dull and pale which can lead to dark circles.

How To Reduce Dark Eye Circles With Turmeric


Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can help to soothe the skin and heal the skin from puffiness. Turmeric also can reduce dark circles by improving the skin complexion. Tumeric is an organic ingredient that has been used in various skin care products to improve the wellness of the skin.

. The Four Magic Ingredients: Honey, Milk, Lemon, Turmeric

  • 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon.
  • Mix all ingredients smoothly with a spatula.
  • Apply the mixture to your under eyes
  • Apply gently with two fingers
  • Leave for 20 mins
  • Wash off with water
  • Repeat this procedure for 7 days

You will start seeing effective changes from day 2 the dark circles will gradually clear up before the seventh day. Turmeric is the key ingredient in this recipe, Turmeric helps to improve the skin's appearance by reducing the production of melanin in the body. this is one effective way how to reduce dark circles with Turmeric.

Conclusion: This particular recipe is very effective in clearing dark circles after 2 weeks of consistency you can then reduce the process to twice a week. Clearing dark circles requires patience and consistency, when treating dark eye circles you should cut down on those things that can result in dark circles such as stress. Another thing you should do when treating dark circles is to increase your water intake this makes the skin hydrated which improves the skin moisture and appearance

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