
How To Deep Condition Your Hair Using Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an emollient oil which means it has the property of softening and soothing the hair and skin, deep conditioning of your hair is very important if you are experiencing dry and frizzy hair, Which can be caused by a lack of oil and moisture content in it, this can be treated by a regular deep condition, coconut oil can be used in deep conditioning because it has a lot of beneficial properties which include softening the hair, boost the hair shine, reduces dandruff, improves hair growth, restore hair moisture, etc continue reading to get more insight on how to deep condition your hair using coconut oil.

Deep condition

What Is Deep Condition

Deep condition is the process of inducing nutrients into the hair and scalp that improve the quality of the hair and scalp.

What Is Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an emollient oil that is been used as a conditioner to soften and soothes hair and skin.

 Causes Of Dry And Damaged Hair

There are so many things that can rip your hair off its nutrient, this is why it is important to undergo a proper hair care routine just as you have a skincare routine. Deep conditioning your hair using coconut oil can help to improve your hair's appearance.

1. Too much Heat Styling: Applying too much heat to your hair can reduce the production of oil in your hair this is because too much heat tends to reduce hair moisture which may reduce the production of sebum in the hair, which can result in lost nutrients leading to a very dry hair.

2. Using Harsh Shampoo: The type of shampoo you use will determine the wellness of your hair, there are so many shampoos that can rip the hair of its nutrients making the hair dry and dull, when shopping for a shampoo get a good one that contains nourishing ingredients like honey, almond milk, coconut milk, etc.

3. Coloring Of Hair: Coloring of your hair can reduce the nutrients of your hair like moisture content and oil production, which may cause dry and frizzy hair and in some cases, it might result in hair loss.

4. Washing Your Hair With Hot Water: Hot water tends to reduce hair moisture because of its high temperature, which may result in dry and frizzy hair, this can be avoided by using lukewarm water to wash your hair.

5. Overwashing: Overwashing your hair can reduce your hair's nutrients, this is because anytime you wash your hair the hair's natural oil reduces which can cause your hair to become very dry and dull.

6. Using the Wrong Hair Treatment: Making use of the wrong hair treatment can reduce the production of oil in your hair, some hair treatments contain chemicals that are very harsh on the hair, which may reduce the hair moisture and result in dry and damaged hair.

How To Deep Condition Your Hair Using Coconut Oil

Coconut oil

1. Wash Your Hair: Wash Your hair with a good shampoo to get rid of the dirt that may have clogged your hair follicles, this will help the oil to penetrate.

2. Allow Your Hair To Dry: After washing your hair, you should allow your hair to air dry by brushing and using a dry and clean towel to pat dry your hair.

3. Warm Your Coconut Oil: Coconut oil works better when it is warm, this makes it easier for it to penetrate through the hair strands and it can also prevent the pores from being clogged.

4. Apply Coconut Oil: Apply your warm coconut oil to your hair from the scalp to the tip, concentrating on the tip of your hair this helps to allow easy penetration and soften your hair.

5. Wrap Your Hair: Cover your hair with a shower cap or towel and leave for up to an hour or lesser depending on your hair type, this enables the coconut oil to do its job by penetrating through your hair strands and filling in the gaps.

6. Rinse Your Hair: Wash your hair with lukewarm water make sure you rinse your hair thoroughly to prevent clogging of pores. You can treat your dry and damaged hair by deep conditioning your hair with coconut oil once a week.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil On Hair

1. Prevent Dandruff: Coconut oil has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, dandruff is usually caused by an overgrowth of fungus on your scalp, the anti-fungal property in coconut oil can help in prevent dandruff on your scalp.

2. Protect Against Sun Damage: Coconut oil contains UV filters that can help in protecting your hair from sun damage.

3. Improve Hair Growth: Coconut oil contains nutrients that can help to improve your hair growth, these enriching nutrients help to moisturize and retain your hair moisture.

4. Hydrate Your Hair: Coconut oil can moisturize and hydrate your hair thereby improving your hair moisture which can lead to the overall health of your hair.

5. Prevent Hair Loss: Coconut oil provides nourishing nutrients for the hair this oil is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals that can help to repair damaged hair and prevent hair loss.

 Conclusion: Deep conditioning your hair using coconut oil can prevent that dry and frizzy hair you have been battling with, this is because coconut oil is rich in vitamins and minerals that can help to replenish lost nutrients and moisture, and deep conditioning is an intensive moisturizing of the hair strands to strengthen and improve its overall health, you can simply treat your dry, damaged and frizzy hair by deep conditioning your hair using coconut oil once a week.

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