
What Are The Causes Of Oily Skin

Oily skin is mostly genetically related but other factors may trigger excessive oil production in your skin which includes hormonal changes, stress, environmental conditions, etc. Oily skin can be much of a tension because of its greasy and oily appearance, continue reading this article to acquire more information about the causes of oily skin and how to prevent it.

Oily skin

What Are The Causes Of Oily Skin

The skin produces sebum to help maintain the skin texture and keep it healthy when the skin produces excess sebum it results in oily skin, various factors can trigger the production of excess oil on the skin.

1. Genetics: Genetics is the most popular cause of oily skin, most oily skin is caused by genes, and parents with oily skin are likely to pass it to their children, this can be managed by using skincare products that can help prevent excess oil production.

2. Hormone Changes: Hormones can result in excess sebum production in your skin, the change in hormones in the body can trigger the production of sebum in your skin, some factors can cause hormone changes such as menstrual circles, puberty, pregnancy, contraceptive pills, etc.

3. Stress: When the body is stressed the skin tends to produce more oil which can result in oily skin, it is important to avoid stress to prevent excess oil production in the skin.

4. Over Washing: Overwashing the skin can result in excess oil production, and over-washing can cause the pores of your skin to open, which can result in excess oil production, this is another cause of oily skin.

5. Climatic Change: Climatic changes can trigger the production of excess oil on your skin, during hot climates, the skin tends to produce more oil, which can cause oily skin.

6. Medications: Certain medications can result in excess oil production in your skin, and some medications can alter your skin's natural pH and trigger the production of excess sebum production in your skin.

7. Cosmetics: Using a skincare product that is not suitable for your skin type can cause more oil production in your skin, greasy cosmetics may result in excess oil in your skin and lead to oily skin type, it is preferable to check the ingredients in your skincare products before purchasing.

How To determine Oily Skin

Various signs can help to determine oily skin,

1. Enlarged pores

2. Greasy skin

3. Oily appearance

4. Sweaty Skin

5. Sticky skin

6. Makeup easily breaks

7. Acne

Ways To Get Rid Of Oily Skin

1. Wash Your Face Always: You must wash your face twice daily to help cleanse excess oil on your skin, dirt, and bacteria that may clog your pores and cause breakouts, it is also important not to overwash your skin because excessive washing of your skin can result in dry skin and trigger excess production of sebum in your skin.

2. Wear Sunscreen: Sunscreen can help protect the skin from sunlight which can result in excess sebum production, why purchasing sunscreen go for non-comedogenic sunscreen to prevent excess oil on your skin.

3. Use a Moisturizer: Moisturizers are lightweight which makes it easier to penetrate your skin without clogging your skin pores, an oil-free moisturizer is the best for oily skin because it helps to prevent excess oil production.

4. Apply Toners: Toners can help to cleanse the skin and remove excess oil, dirt, and bacteria that may clog your skin pores, toners can help keep your skin hydrated and maintain your skin's natural moisture and oil.

5. Use Oil-Free Cosmetics: Oil-free cosmetics don't clog your skin pores, if you have oily skin, it is best to purchase oil-free cosmetics this will prevent excess oil production and help maintain your skin health and appearance.

6. Stay Hydrated: increase your intake of water to help keep your skin hydrated, lack of moisture can cause your skin to produce excess oil, so it is important to stay hydrated at all times to get rid of oily skin.

7. Skincare Routine: Follow a skincare routine to help maintain your oily skin, a good skincare routine can help keep your skin healthy, don’t use too many products on your skin this will only damage your skin barrier, a few products and the right way to use them will help prevent excess oil production in your skin.

How To Prevent Oily Skin

1. Avoid the use of harsh chemicals, this is because harsh chemicals can cause excess oil production.

2. Remove your makeup before bedtime to avoid oil clogging your skin and prevent breakouts.

3. Don't over-exfoliate your skin frequently, because over-exfoliating can cause excess sebum production in your skin and exfoliating is not necessary for oily skin, if you must exfoliate you must do it in the right way.

4. Avoid scrubbing your skin if you have oily skin because scrubbing can irritate the skin and cause excess sebum production.

Conclusion: The causes of oily skin can be numerous, and this is the reason why you must keep your skin in check to help prevent oily skin, oily skin needs a good skin care regime because of the many issues that come with oily skin.

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