
How To Get Long Hair In A Week


There is a charisma that comes with long hair, it can get people asking how you came about with your long hair, in most cases everybody wants to touch your hair so many people wish for having that type of long hair, if your hair isn’t growing as it should grow, it definitely means you might be missing out on something, it might be you are not giving your hair proper care, or maybe you are suffocating your hair with too many hair treatments, the hair is not something you force to grow, it needs appropriate care and maintenance, I know some stunted hair growth might be through gene transfer from parents or relatives but there are also some way you can treat your hair to enable it to grow well.

Long hair

13 Best Ways To Get Long Hair In One Week

1. Avoid Dirty Hair: Dirt can reduce the growth of hair, most people think specks of dirt are like nutrients to the hair that makes it grow longer but that is definitely an old saying when you carry dirty hair you are only suffocating your hair, the hair also needs fresh hair to enable it to grow very well, dirt is one thing that can prevent your hair from growing as it should grow.

2. Don’t Over Wash Your Hair: As earlier said the hair needs to be clean always but that doesn’t mean you should wash your hair every day, washing your hair every day can also kill the nutrients in your hair, at least allow your hair products to work very well before washing them off from your hair, you should wash your hair at most 3times a week this will prevent the hair from drying out.

3. Avoid Over-Heated Water: When washing your hair it is advised to use warm water, warm water can easily clean your hair without causing damage to your hair moisture, overheated water will not only dry out your hair it might also cause injury to your scalp which may affect the growth of your hair, so it is preferable to use warm water when washing your hair.

4. Use Hydrating Shampoo: When going for a shampoo look for one that is well hydrated, a well-hydrated shampoo won’t dry out your hair it will leave your hair moisturized after washing, there are lots of shampoos that after washing your hair, the hair will become very hard to comb that type of shampoo is not advisable to be used on your hair it will only cause damage to your hair, it may result to hair loss due to the hard texture.

5. Use Moisturizing Conditioner: Most times I advise people to get a good conditioner because after washing your hair, the hair strand might become hard and in some cases tangled, you need a moisturizing conditioner to detangle your hair without experiencing hair loss, there are so many conditioners out there but choosing the one that is best for your hair will make your hair grow longer.

6. Apply Hair Oil: Hair oil works perfectly well in moisturizing your hair, different hair oils are great for hair growth such as coconut oil, castor oil, avocado oil, etc these hair oils contain vitamins that are enriching to the hair, for the hair to grow in a good length it requires vitamins that can build the hair strands and prevent hair loss. It is highly recommended to get any of these hair oils for your hair.

7. Avoid Applying Too Much Heat: Avoid applying too much heat to your hair, I know hot comb have this finishing look it gives to the hair but too much of this hot application can damage the hair, and straightening the hair may affect the hair moisture, the hair can become dry, and weak, which may lead to hair loss, so it not advisable to apply heat to your hair all the time, you can straighten your hair but it shouldn’t be something of every day at least once a week is absolutely fine.

8. Apply Hair Softening Cream: Hair softening cream can easily detangle your hair, and it can relieve the stress of over-brushing your hair, it is advisable to apply hair softening cream to your hair daily, it does not only soften your hair it also gives the hair maximum protection and can prevent hair loss and make the hair to grow longer. Maybe you might be wondering why you have stunted growth of hair this might just be the cause.

9. Brush Your Hair Daily: This is one thing that should not be left out when caring for your hair, brushing your hair daily will help straighten your hair, it will reduce detangling, it can enhance the growth of the hair, you should gently brush your hair twice a day, in the morning and at night before going to bed, this helps to detangle every hair strand that might be tangled during the day.

10. Wrap your Hair Before Going To Bed:  This technique works very well, covering your hair can prevent the hair from tangling, and tangled hair can result in hair loss, so it is a must to properly cover your hair before going to bed, but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t allow the hair to breathe during the day. This process will make your hair grow longer and prevent hair loss.

11. Trim your Hair Often: Trim your hair often when you find out the tips of the hair are weak, this gives room for stronger hair and can help to increase the length of the hair, weak hair will always result in hair loss and we don’t want that, the best way to get a long hair is to trim the tip of your hair once in a while.

12. Take Hair Supplements: Some supplements help with hair growth, these supplements provide extra nutrients needed for the growth of the hair, so if you are sorting for supplements you should go for one that can work perfectly for longer hair, nails, and skin. and you can also get them at an affordable price at a pharmacy.

13. Eat Healthy Food: Healthy food can also make your hair grow longer, food that contains protein is enriching to the hair, and you should eat enough protein like eggs, meat, fish, beans, etc having the right diet is one step closer to achieving a longer hair, it might be your hair is not getting enough protein as it should be.

Conclusion: Maintaining and caring for your hair might be frustrating sometimes because we want to see fast results but these steps listed above will definitely help you achieve that goal, it is tested and trusted, you will gradually start seeing changes in your hair in less than one week, and don’t forget consistency is absolutely the key to every step.

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