
How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes Instantly

A girl with puffy eye

Puffy eyes can be disturbing, and most of the time you get confused about how to go about it, some people are prone to puffy eyes especially when they are stressed and tired, it could even occur when you lack proper sleep, why in some cases crying can also lead to puffy eyes, there are easy ways to get rid of puffy eyes you just have to know what to apply and what not to do, in this article we are going to be sharing with you enlightened details about eye puffiness continue reading to get more information.

What Is Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes occur when there is a build-up of liquid/ fluid in the skin vessel around your eyes, the tiny blood vessel around the eyes can easily be irritated which can trigger the formation of puffy eyes and can also result in dark eye circles.

Causes Of Puffy Eyes

1. Lack Of Sleep: The body needs adequate rest the amount of sleep needed by the body in a day is 8 hours, this helps the body's system to function well and prevents it from total breakdown, when the body is deprived of sleep the eyes get puffy and sometimes prickly, in this situation it usually goes away with applying ice or tea bag to get rid of the puffy eyes instantly.

2. Excessive Alcohol: Alcohol can result in puffy eyes when you consume too much alcohol it can lead to dehydration which causes the blood vessel around the eyes to become very tiny.

3. Excessive Smoking: Smoking can also result in puffy eyes because smoking can cause dehydration and reduction in collagen levels which can result in sagging skin around the eyes.

4. Excess Salt Intake: The excess intake of salt(sodium) can lead to fluid accumulation which may result in puffy eyes.

5. Allergy: puffy eyes can be caused by allergies it can be a result of food allergies, skin care products, or any harsh chemical that comes in contact with the eyes.

6. Sinusitis: This is a condition whereby the naval cavity becomes inflamed this can lead to sinus pressure, puffy eyes, and facial tenderness this often requires medications.

7. Seasonal Allergies: This is usually caused by coughing, or sneezing it can result in watery eyes, itching, and puffy eyes.

How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

There are different ways to get rid of puffy eyes which include

Girl with eye cream

1. Avoid Drinking Alcohol: Alcohol can cause dehydration which can result in puffy eyes avoid taking alcohol if you are prone to puffy eyes.

2. Avoid Smoking: Smoking can also lead to dehydration so it is advisable to stop smoking if you are prone to puffy eyes this will help you get rid of puffy eyes.

3. Get Proper Sleep: Proper sleep and rest will help you get rid of puffy eyes, you have to create a proper schedule to enable you to go to bed on time and wake up on time, this helps in getting rid of puffy eyes.

4. Reduce Your Salt Intake: Excessive intake of salt might lead to fluid retention in the body which can result in puffy eyes, by reducing your intake of more processed foods and increasing your intake of freshly made food can help to reduce your salt intake.

5 Apply Cold Compress: You can simply get rid of puffy eyes instantly by applying a cold washcloth to the under of your eyes for 10 -15 mins, this works perfectly.

6. Medications: There are medications for allergies that can be used in treating eye puffiness this works perfectly for allergic reactions.

7. Apply Ointment: Ointment is also effective in treating eye puffiness, an over-the-counter ointment can be used in getting rid of eye puffiness.

8. Apply Eye Cream: There are varieties of eye creams that work perfectly for eye puffiness, Goji berry eye cream helps to soothe the eyes by getting rid of eye puffiness.

9. Stay Hydrated: Increase your intake of water, this helps to prevent tiny blood vessels underneath the eyes which can result in eye puffiness.

10. Apply Tea Bag: Tea bags like caffeine can be used to get rid of puffy eyes, get a tea bag soaked in water and apply it underneath your eyes, it works perfectly for eye puffiness.

11. Use Pillow: Use a pillow while sleeping it prevents fluid from accumulating around the eyes which can lead to eye puffiness, get a good set of pillows this will help you prevent puffy eyes. 

Conclusion:  Eye puffiness can be caused by different things like crying, allergies, aging, inadequate sleep, and stress, but it is important to know the cause of your puffy eyes to enable you to use the right medication or home remedy, the skin around the eyes are usually tiny which can easily be disrupted to become very tiny hence resulting in eye puffiness, if you are prone to puffy eyes you should try as much as possible to avoid anything that can lead to puffy eyes, you can simply get rid of puffy eyes by applying the steps above, if your eye puffiness doesn't go away after applying these steps it is advisable to see a doctor for a good prescription.

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