
Best Natural Hair Care Routine

A hair care routine is very necessary if you want to achieve soft, smooth, and shiny hair, if you have been neglecting your hair its time to level up and start a simple hair care routine, maintaining your hair does not require money all it requires it's your time, you can do your hair management yourself, lack of proper hair care can cause dry, frizzy and damaged hair, which can happen if you don’t adapt a good natural haircare routine, in today's article we shall be sharing with you the best natural hair care routine that can be used no matter your type of hair.

Hair care routine

Best Natural Hair Care Routine

Natural hair care routine is simple and affordable, you just need to create time to be able to carry out these procedures yourself

1. Wash Your Hair: Wash your hair to get rid of dirt and oil, excess oil on your scalp can lead to clogged pores, and dirt can also clog your pores and prevent proper hair growth, wash your hair twice a week if you have a straight hair type because this hair type is usually very oily and greasy, for wavy and curly hair type it is preferable to wash your hair once a week this can help to prevent your hair from drying out. Wash your hair with lukewarm water instead of hot water, because hot water can cause damage to your hair by leaving it dry and frizzy.

2. Use Mild Shampoos: Go for mild shampoos these help to nourish your hair with nutrients and helps in maintaining a healthy texture, dry and frizzy hair can be caused by using very harsh shampoos. parabens and sulfate shampoos can cause great damage to the hair than good, these shampoos can cause the hair to become dry and frizzy, thereby causing damage to your hair, get a sulfate-free and paraben-free formula shampoo for your hair.

3. Condition Your Hair: Hair conditioning can help to replenish lost moisture and nutrient, it is important to condition your hair every time you finish washing your hair, this helps to add moisture and nutrients to your hair, it can also help to replenish your hair oil, conditioners are formulated with ingredients that help to protect the hair from heat styling, get a conditioner that contains coconut oil, argan oil, and jojoba oil, they can help nourish and improve healthy hair, wavy and curly hair requires good conditioning to help detangle hair, and straight hair type does not require extensive conditioning because this hair type can easily fall, apply conditioner to only the tip of your hair, and not your scalp.

4. Brush Your Hair: Brush your hair to prevent tangling of hair, use a wide tooth comb to brush your hair this helps to prevent hair loss, straight hair type is usually easy to brush compared to wavy and curly hair type, brush your hair gently if you have a wavy or curly hair type this helps to prevent hair loss.

5. Allow Your Hair To Dry Naturally: Allow your hair to dry naturally this can help to protect your hair from heat damage, you must not blow dry your hair at all times because too much heat can damage your hair, using a towel to dry your hair can also cause damage to your hair because it can cause friction between your hair strands which can result in tangling.

6. Apply Hair Oil: Oil has a nourishing effect on the hair, it can help to strengthen hair, softens your hair, improve shine, it can help to prevent hair loss, and increases hair growth, get good oil like argan oil, coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, and jojoba oil, straight hair type does not require much oil because it has a large production of natural oil, while wavy hair, curly hair, and coily hair needs a good amount of oil for moisturizing this is because they produce little oil on the scalp.

7. Apply Hair Treatment: Hair treatment should to applied to your hair once in a while because hair treatments are formulated with enriching ingredients that are beneficial to the hair, hair treatment can help to rejuvenate damaged and dry hair, hair treatment helps to improve the hair texture and the overall appearance of your hair.

8. Use Protective Serum: Apply protective serum to your hair if you want to style your hair, a protective serum is formulated with ingredients that help to protect your hair against heat damage, you can simply get a good protective serum and apply it to your hair anytime you wish to style your hair.

9. Trim Your Hair: Trimming the hair is very important it can help get rid of weak hair that may be caused by extensive heat styling, trim your hair at least every 6 weeks and at most 8 weeks intervals this helps to improve your hair quality and appearance, it can help strengthen your hair, it can also prevent hair loss.

10. Wear Hair Caps: Hair caps can help protect the hair against sun damage, the sun can cause great damage to your hair just as it can cause damage to your skin, and the sun can reduce your hair moisture, which may result in dry, dull and frizzy hair, you must protect your hair from the sun at all cost if you want a soft, smooth and healthy hair.

11. Take Your Vitamins: Vitamins are very important in maintaining a natural hair care routine, vitamins can help improve hair growth, strengthens the hair, prevent hair loss, retain the hair's natural oil, can help to nourish the scalp, improves hair moisture, prevent damaged hair, improves the hair appearance, helps to maintain healthy hair, you should add a good vitamin supplement to your natural hair care routine to improve your overall hair appearance.

12. Stay Hydrated: Water is very important for the body, water can help to improve your hair quality by keeping your hair hydrated, lack of hair moisture can result in dry and frizzy hair, water intake is a natural way of improving your hair's natural moisture and keeping your hair healthy, it is advisable to increase your water intake for soft, smooth and healthy hair.

13. Eat Healthy Meals: Healthy meals are a great source of healthy hair, the hair mostly gets its nutrients from within, and your hair will not look healthy if you don't eat healthy no matter the hair care products you apply, the hair is made up of proteins and amino acids so it is advisable to eat food that is rich in protein this can help to improve your hair growth and improve its appearance. 

Conclusion: your hair requires good maintenance and care these steps listed above are the best natural hair care routine you could think of, another thing you should avoid is stress, stress can cause hair loss, I advise you to maintain a natural hair care routine to achieve a beautiful and healthy hair.

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