
What Is Hypopigmentation Of The Skin?

Hypopigmentation can be caused when there is a decrease in melanin production in the body, as much as we do not want high production of melanin in our bodies, a decrease in this melanin can also cause a skin condition like hypopigmentation, if you have light patches on your skin and you have been wondering what might be the cause of it, it is hypopigmentation of the skin and it can also be treated easily, kindly continue reading to know more about hypopigmentation of the skin.


What Is Hypopigmentation?

Hypopigmentation is when there is a low amount of melanin in the skin which can result in lighter patches that appears to be whiter than the normal skin tone, melanin is a pigment that gives the eye, skin, and hair color, which is produced by an enzyme known as melanocytes this enzyme can be found in the epidermis layer of the skin.

Types Of Hypopigmentation

1. Generalized: This type of hypopigmentation usually affects the entire body, it is mostly caused by genetic makeup like albinism, this type of hypopigmentation is acquired.

2. Localized: This type of hypopigmentation usually occurs in some parts of the body, this is the presence of lighter patches in some parts of the body, it can be acquired through birth or in a particular period in your life examples include

1. Vitiligo: This is a skin condition that causes light or white patches on your skin, it can be acquired through birth, and it can be managed as well with medications.

2. Lichen Sclerosus: This is a skin condition that causes white patches this can be found around the genital areas, breast, and arms, the patches may enlarge and bleed if serious actions are not taken.

3. pityriasis: This is a skin condition that is mostly found in children, it causes white patches that tend to heal on their own as time passes by.

Causes Of Hypopigmentation

There are different causes of hypopigmentation it can be post-inflammatory hypopigmentation which is usually caused by scars and previous skin diseases

1. Injury: Injuries can cause hypopigmentation, Burns from fire and hot water accidents can result in hypopigmentation which can cause white patches, and cuts can likewise result in scars causing hypopigmentation.

2. Deficiency: Nutritional deficiency can also result in hypopigmentation of the skin, and a deficiency in iron, copper, and vitamin B12 can result in white patches on the skin. It is best to add a dietary supplement to enhance your immune system.

3. Medications: Certain medications can cause hypopigmentation of the skin, and certain agents like minocycline, bleomycin, and cytotoxic agents can cause lighter patches on the skin.

4. Infection: fungal and bacterial infections can also cause hypopigmentation, an example of such is macular acne which can cause discoloration of the skin such as light patches.

5. Wrong Products: Wrong skin care products can also cause hypopigmentation of the skin, and skincare products that contain bleaching agents and lead can irritate the skin by leaving white patches. When shopping for skincare products it is advisable to check the ingredients, to avoid any reactions that may cause light patches on the skin.

6. Post- Inflammatory Hypopigmentation: This type of hypopigmentation is usually caused by previous skin diseases, skin diseases like lichen and dermatitis can result in lighter patches after the healing process thereby leaving the skin with hypopigmentation.

Ways To Treat Hypopigmentation

The treatment of hypopigmentation will be based on the result gotten from your diagnosis, your doctor will examine your skin and ask you a few questions about your health history before taking a sample of affected skin to the laboratory, post-inflammatory hypopigmentation may resolve by itself, but generalized hypopigmentation and most localized hypopigmentation will require medications to address this problem.

1. Topical Drugs: Topical steroids can help in treating hypopigmentation this cream may help reduce discoloration on the skin, using a topical steroid might irritate the skin such as dryness, it is preferable to use a moisturizer during this period of treatment. A topical drug has also been made to be effective in treating vitiligo your doctor may prescribe it for you after the examination.

2. Laser Treatment: A laser treatment is used in treating hypopigmentation that may be caused by scars, a combination of light therapy and psoralen can be used in treating vitiligo, and skin grafting can be used in treating hypopigmentation in patients who gots severe scars due to fire accidents and burns from hot water.

3. Ginger: Ginger is effective in treating discoloration of the skin, the juice and root from the ginger can be effective in treating hypopigmentation, you can simply achieve this by grating some ginger and applying it to the skin where there are lighter patches.

4. Coconut Oil And Bakuchi Seed: This is a great combination for treating hypopigmentation, mix a few drops of coconut oil and powdered bakuchi seeds and apply it directly on the light patches on your skin, this will help to fade away light patches.

Conclusion: Hypopigmentation of the skin can cause cancer of the skin in people with albinism and vitiligo which is been acquired through birth, it is advisable to avoid sunlight, by all means, this is because UV rays can worsen the situation of your skin, for hypopigmentation that is caused by infection, it is also advisable you complete your treatment even after the light patches have faded away this will prevent it from coming back. I hope this article was helpful to you, please visit your doctor for additional information if you are experiencing hypopigmentation.

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