
Which Of The Following Is Not A Function Of The Skin?

The skin performs different functions in the body, the skin is the largest organ in the body which also helps in the storing of blood in the body, there are lots of blood vessels within the layers of the skin, and there are certain vitamins that are not synthesized by the skin, but the skin needs these vitamins to be able to function properly this is where our nutrition comes in place, the body requires well-balanced diet to be able to carry out certain functions on daily basis. If you are interested in learning more about the skin please continue reading.


What Is Skin

The skin is the body's largest organ it is composed of soft tissues, blood, water, protein, and fats, it covers the whole external layer of the body, the skin is the fleshy part of the body, the skin is made up of three layers which include the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer.

Epidermis: This is the outer layer of the skin, this is the layer of the skin that is being seen and can be touched the epidermis is made up of different cells which include

The keratinocytes: This is a cell of the epidermis that produces keratin, this is formed in the epidermis layer above the dermis, and this helps in cell division in producing new cells on the skin surface.

The Corneocytes: This is a flattened differentiated keratinocyte that makes up the outer layer of the epidermis and is known as the stratum corneum.

The Melanocyte: This is responsible for the production of melanin which is the skin pigment, it gives the skin, eyes, and hair their color.

Functions Of The Epidermis

1. It protects the body from infections, by preventing bacteria and germs from entering the body, It also helps to protect the body from sunlight which can cause sun damage and rain which can lead to a cold.

2. It gives the skin its color, the epidermis contains melanin which is responsible for the skin, eye, and hair color.

3. The epidermis helps in making new skin cells, the body continually sheds old skin cells every day, and the epidermis helps in the production of new skin cells.

Dermis: This is the inner layer of the skin, it is made of up the papillary dermis which is the thin upper layer, and a lower layer which is the reticular dermis, the dermis is composed of

Hair Follicles: This is a pit in which hair grows, the hair helps in regulating the body temperature.

Sweet Gland: This helps in the production of sweat that helps in regulating the body temperature. 

Sebaceous Gland: This is responsible for the production of sebum (oil), which helps to protect the hair from bacteria and dust.

Function Of Dermis

1. It helps to grow hair through the hair follicles in the skin.

2. It helps the skin to respond to pain and harsh environment.

3. The dermis is responsible for collagen production which gives elasticity to the skin.

4. It helps in making an oil gland that makes the skin soft and smooth.

5. The dermis helps in the production of sweat which helps to regulate the body temperature.

6. It supplies blood to the epidermis layer which can help to keep the skin healthy.

Subcutaneous ( hypodermis): This is the bottom layer of the skin which is made up of fats and connective tissues. it is a good insulator.

Functions Of Subcutaneous

1. The fat in this layer helps in regulating the body temperature and also protects the muscles from injury during an accident.

2. It consists of connective tissues that connect the layers of the skin to muscles and bones in the body.

3. It helps in connecting the nerves and blood vessels to other parts of the body.

Function Of The Skin

1. Store Blood: The skin helps in storing blood, the skin act as a well in storing blood there are blood vessels between the layers of the skin which help to store blood.

2. Regulate The Body Temperature: The skin helps in regulating the body temperature through sweat and blood flow, during hot weather conditions the body tends to release more sweat hence regulating the body temperature, the flow of blood in the body also helps to regulate the body's temperature.

3. Sensation: The skin act as a medium of sensation to the body, the tiny tissue which is known as a receptor in the skin helps to detect stimuli which include pains, heat, cold, vibration, touch, etc

4. Production Of Vitamin D: The skin helps in the production of vitamin D in the body, vitamin D helps the body to fight against foreign substances and can also build the immune system of the body, vitamin D can help the body to absorb calcium from our food.

5. Protects the body from the environment: The skin helps to protect the body from harsh environmental conditions such as chemicals, sunlight, and other substances, the skin prevents the body from coming intact with these harsh substances.

6. Maintaining Water: The skin helps the body to maintain water, the body is consist of water which helps in the normal functioning of the body, and the skin contains a large amount of water which helps in regulating blood flow, the skin helps to prevent loss of moisture through its protective barrier.

7. Helps to absorb and excrete substances: The skin act as a protective medium for the body, it helps to absorb substance into the skin like topical drugs, the skin also helps the body to excrete harmful substances that may be absorbed by the body through the excretion of sweat.

Which Of The Following Is Not A Function Of The Skin?

1. The skin does not synthesize vitamins A, B, and C these vitamins are added to the skin through our food, supplement, fruits, skin care products, etc, the only vitamin synthesized by the skin is vitamin D. Vitamin A, and B, and C is not a function of the skin.

2. The skin doesn't produce Calcium, the body usually obtains calcium from our diets. The skin itself does not synthesize minerals, minerals like iron and calcium are needed by the body for strong bones.

3. The body doesn't create water, it also doesn't prevent dehydration, the skin needs water to increase the flow of blood, and you can increase your intake of water to help to regulate blood flow in the body. Water synthesis is not a function of the skin.

Conclusion: The skin has lots of functions, but a synthesis of vitamins is not one of them, calcium is also not a function of the skin, the skin is an important part of the body that needs to be cared for, you should enrich your skin with rich diets and good skincare products.

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