
How To Take Care Of Your Skin Barrier

The skin barrier is responsible for the protection of the skin from its external environment, the skin is made of three layers which include the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis layer. The skin barrier helps to protect the external surface of the skin from harsh environments, once the skin barrier is damaged the skin tends to be affected, and this can cause microorganisms like bacteria and fungi to inhibit the skin which could lead to a skin infection. The skin can also become unattractive by having a rough texture when the skin barrier is damaged, kindly continue reading this article if you are interested in how to take care of your skin barrier.


What Is Skin Barrier?

The skin barrier is the outer layer of the skin that helps to protect the skin from harsh environments and free radicals. The skin barrier helps to protect the body by using fatty acid, cholesterol, ceramide, etc

What Causes Damage To Your Skin Barrier

Some of the factors that affect the skin barrier daily include

1. Sun Exposure: The sun produces ultraviolet rays which are usually harmful to the skin, the UV rays can break the skin barrier and cause loss of moisture content, it can also cause dry and flaky skin because of dehydration, the skin barrier should be protected from sunlight by using a chemical or a mineral sunscreen this will help to improve your skin health.

2. Over-Cleansing: Over-cleansing the skin can cause a serious effect on the skin, rubbing the skin hard can destroy the skin barrier and make it prone to external factors that may lead to a skin infection, a mild sponge and soap should be used to clean up the body daily to prevent damaged skin barrier.

3. Extremely Dry Weather: Extremely dry weather or hot weather can cause damage to your skin barrier and reduce the effectiveness of your skin barrier thereby rendering your skin prone to rashes and some skin conditions.

4. Harsh Chemicals: Harsh chemicals are still another cause of a damaged skin barrier, this type is usually encountered when you come in contact with harsh products and chemicals, and this can cause a damaged skin barrier.

5. Allergies: Allergies may result in rashes on the skin, this type of skin reaction can damage the skin barrier and may leave the skin prone to infection this can also cause itching and irritation on the skin.

5. Exposure To Alkaline Soap and Detergent: This often occurs when the skin comes in contact with alkaline soaps and detergents which can cause damage to the skin, it is preferable to avoid soaps and detergents that contains alkaline as this will help you recover your skin health.

6. Over-Exfoliating: Over-exfoliation is one of the major causes of the damaged skin barrier, exfoliation can help to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and oil from the skin's surface and excess exfoliating can destroy the skin barrier, this can be avoided by limiting the number of times you exfoliate in a week, it is preferable to exfoliate your skin at most 2 - 3 times in a week.

How To Identify Damaged Skin Barrier

Some tips can help you identify a damaged skin barrier, this will make it easier to implement a skincare routine that will help rejuvenate your skin

Dry and flaky skin: When the skin barrier is damaged it tends to portray some symptoms which include dry and flaky skin, dry and flaky skin is usually caused by a damaged skin barrier this might be due to dehydration of the skin.

Rough texture: The skin may appear to be rough in texture this is one thing that can be seen on your skin physically, in most cases roughness is usually accompanied by a dull skin appearance.

Itching skin: When the skin barrier is damaged the skin can become itching, this can be avoided by using a mild soap that can help soothe the skin.

Uneven skin tone: In most cases, a damaged skin barrier can result in uneven skin tone, this may occur in patches leaving the skin with an unattractive appearance.

Infection: When the skin barrier is damaged the skin is usually prone to infection which is been caused by bacteria and fungi, which can cause inflammation of the skin.

How To Take Care Of Your Skin Barrier

1. Use Products With Ceramide: Ceramide is a waxy lipid that is present in the skin barrier (stratum corneum) Ceramide is responsible for the proper functioning of the skin barrier, Ceramide can help to strengthen the skin, it reduces dryness, and itching, and flaky skin, Ceramide can also help reduce acne on your skin which can help take care of your skin barrier.

2. Apply moisturizers: Moisturizers provide nourishment for the skin, and moisturizers with hyaluronic acid and glycerine can help to repair the damaged skin barrier, hyaluronic acid has water-retaining properties which can help to lock in moisture in the skin barrier thereby improving the skin health, moisturizer can help reduce dryness and itchiness on the skin which can also help take care of your skin barrier.

3. Avoid Excess Exfoliating: Excess exfoliating can cause severe damage to your skin barrier, exfoliate your skin with mild exfoliants, and choose an exfoliator according to your skin type, exfoliating can strengthen the skin when it is done the right way, avoid over-exfoliating of your skin.

4. Apply Plant-Based Oil: Plant-based oil can help repair your damaged skin barrier, plant-based oil can also help retain skin moisture and reduce dry and flaky skin, there are different plant-based oil which includes coconut oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, rosehip oil, argan oil, sunflower oil, etc these oils are very soothing to the skin, they can be applied directly on the skin or can be mixed with body cream and lotions.

5. Use Mild Soap: Soap with moisturizing effects is best for the skin, it can help cleanse the skin without causing harm to the skin barrier, and mild soap can help prevent dryness and itchiness of the skin.

Conclusion: The skin barrier plays a vital role in your skin health, this is because it helps protect the skin from the external environment and can help to retain the skin moisture, this is why the skin should be taken care of to prevent damaged skin barrier.

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