
What Is The Cause Of White Spots On Your Skin?

White spots on the skin can be infuriating, it can make an individual feel low about themselves because the skin is a sight of attraction, and there is a satisfaction that comes with blemish-free skin, skincare routine is very important to help improve our skin health, white spots on the skin can be caused by different things it could be health-related problems some are caused by sickness. Continue reading this article to get more information on the causes of white spots on your skin. 

White spots

What Are White Spots On Skin?

White spots are where dead skin cells and skin proteins is been trapped underneath the surface of the skin, Which can be a result of color loss in the skin most white patches on the skin are harmless.

Causes Of White Spots On Skin

1. Vitiligo: Vitiligo is a skin condition that occurs on any part of the skin that causes white patches on the skin as a result of color loss. This is caused by low melanin production in the body, melanin is responsible for the hair, eye, and skin color, vitiligo is usually nonharmful, and it does not cause pain or any skin itching, and it is usually more visible on dark skin tone than light skin tone. This is a cause of white spots on the skin.


1. Light therapy: The use of phototherapy and UVB can help slow down the development of vitiligo, light therapy is very effective in reducing the effect of vitiligo on the skin, this method is usually carried out by a dermatologist and it is mostly done two to three times in a week.

2. Use Of Medication: This is another way to minimize the progression of vitiligo on your skin, this method is usually effective in the early stage of vitiligo, topical creams like corticosteroids are also very effective in reducing white patches and restoring your natural skin tone.

3. Surgery: Surgery can also be used to correct the skin tone, this works by transferring a healthy skin pigment to the affected part of the skin which has no pigment, this process can be carried out on small white patches, this process is a kind of rare method.

2. Milia: Milia is in the form of a white, small, and harmless bump that tends to develop on the skin's surface, it can be seen mostly in babies around the eyes and cheeks, this type of skin condition can reduce the melanin pigment which can result in white spots on your skin, milia are usually caused by an allergy or excess exposure, the major cause is when keratin and dead skin cells tend to be trap underneath the skin surface.


Your doctor may prescribe a retinoid cream for this treatment, a topical retinoid is very effective in clearing the white spots on your skin. 

Microdermabrasion can also be used to treat white spots that are caused by milia, this method is the use of a tool that can help remove the upper layer of the skin, this method may be sensitive on people with sensitive skin types.

Keratin Extraction is another method that can be used in milia treatment, your doctor will extract keratin that may have been trapped underneath your skin surface.

3. Tinea Versicolor: Tinea versicolor is a skin condition that causes brown and white spots on the surface of the skin, this is usually caused by fungus on the surface of the skin, and it is also accompanied by itchy and dry skin, it usually more visible on dark skin tone compared to light skin tone.


Your doctor may prescribe anti-fungal medication which will help to get rid of the white spots on your skin, your doctor can also prescribe over-the-counter medication, which is very effective in treating tinea versicolor, some medications that can be used to treat tinea versicolor include clotrimazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, etc.

4. Pityriasis Alba: Pityriasis alba is a skin condition that causes red patches and itchy skin that tends to turn into white spots after treatment, this is mostly found in children. Pityriasis alba can be caused by excess exposure to the sun, but it is usually not harmful to the skin.


Pityriasis alba usually goes away in a few weeks, but your doctor can also prescribe some medication that can be applied topically on the skin, you can also get topical steroids to treat pityriasis alba on the skin, it is important to see your dermatologist before using any medication on your skin.

Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes White Spots On The Skin?

White spots on the skin can be due to a deficiency in vitamin B12 in your body, the deficiency of this vitamin can result in low melanin production in the body which can result in white spots on your skin, some other deficiency includes vitamin E and vitamin D lack of this vitamin on your skin can also result in white spots on the skin.

Conclusion: The causes of white spots on the skin are broad, the best thing is to visit your dermatologist any time you notice a skin condition because it is important to tackle a skin condition at the early stage to prevent it from developing this will help prevent any further problem that may come with it.

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