
How To Treat Eczema On Your Skin

Eczema on the skin can be so alarming because of the discomfort it comes with, most times it usually causes dry and scaly skin texture, eczema is a skin condition that can occur on any part of your body but it is most common on the face, neck, chest, hands, and back. If you have been experiencing recurring eczema then this article is a guide for you, continue reading this article to find out how to treat eczema on your skin.


What Is Eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition that appears to be red, and itchy which usually causes dry and flaky skin. Eczema can be caused by different things it could be reactions to harsh chemicals, it can also be caused by dirt and unhygienic skin.

Causes Of Eczema

1. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes can result in eczema most people tend to experience symptoms of eczema during their periods this is due to the changes in hormones, pregnancy can also cause your hormones to change which may cause eczema on your skin, menopause can also cause eczema on your skin, during menopause the body tends to change in hormones, people that are prone to eczema should watch out the cause of eczema on their skin.

2. Dirt: Dirt can result in eczema on your skin, An unhygienic person is likely to have eczema on the skin, this is because fungal and bacterial on the skin can trigger the cause of eczema if the body is not properly hygienic.

3. Strong Chemical Products: Strong chemical product is another cause of eczema on the skin, this can cause inflammation on the skin and hence result in eczema leading to dry, and itchy skin.

4. Food: Certain foods can result in eczema on the skin, and most people who react to dairy products tend to experience eczema on their skin, other foods like nuts can also result in eczema and cause flaky, dry, and itchy skin.

5. Stress: Stress can also result in eczema during the stress period the body tends to release cortisol which can cause an increase in inflammation which might trigger eczema symptoms to flare up, this is not directly linked to eczema.

Types Of Eczema

1. Atopic Dermatitis: This is the most common type of eczema it usually occurs in children, this is a process where the body's immune system can recognize a substance that comes in contact with the skin, and the immune system will detect the substance as a foreign substance.


This is usually a rash that is found around the elbows or knees, it may result in very small bumps that may leak fluid when it's been scratched.

2. Stasis Dermatitis: Stasis dermatitis is found in people with problems with blood circulation, this type of dermatitis requires serious medication to avoid skin inflammation.


This usually affects the vein it may result in swelling, redness, itching, and pain.

3. Neuro Dermatitis: Neurodermatitis is usually indicated by flaky patches of skin that appear on the forehead.


Thick dark flaky patches is been characterized as symptoms that can occur in any part of the body, it may result in an itch and get inflamed when scratched.

4. Contact Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis is usually caused as a result of allergies and harsh chemical substances and products, this may result in red, scaly, and irritated skin.


Red, itchy, dry, and flaky skin, can also cause blisters with fluid-filled, signs of hyperpigmentation skin.

5. Nummular Eczema: Nummular eczema is found around the mouth region, wrists, and forearms. It usually shows signs of dry patches on the skin.


A round shape patch on the skin may cause itchy, dry, and scaly skin.

6. Dyshidrotic Eczema: Dyshidrotic eczema often affects the hands and feet, this type of eczema is caused by harsh chemicals that tend to irritate the skin.


Dry, flaky, and red patches, may result in itchy skin.

How To Treat Eczema On Your Skin

1. Sulfur: Sulfur is effective in treating eczema on the skin, it has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties which can be used to reduce the symptoms of eczema on your skin, and sulfur can help soften and reduce the appearance of dry skin.

2. Anti-fungal medication: This is effective in treating fungal infections which may result in eczema on your skin, antifungal medication can help reduce symptoms of eczema on your skin.

3. Topical Cream: Topical creams like corticosteroids can be used to treat eczema on your skin, they can help to soothe the skin, and reduce itchy and dry skin texture.

4. Antibiotics: Antibiotics can be used to treat eczema on your skin, they have anti-inflammatory and can be used alongside a topical cream for effective results.

5. Antihistamine: Antihistamine can be used to treat eczema that is caused by harsh chemical products, it may result in inflamed skin, itchy and scaly skin,

How To Prevent Eczema

1. Use Warm Water: Eczema can cause dry and flaky skin which can cause sensitive skin, avoid using hot water in bathing to prevent your skin from drying out, warm water is preferably this helps to maintain your skin's natural oil.

2. Moisturize Your Skin: Moisturizing is very important for the skin's overall health this can help to keep your skin hydrated and it can also help to maintain your skin moisture and natural oil, it also helps to prevent dry and flaky skin.

3. Use Mild Soap: Soap can cause dry and flaky skin, and some soaps tend to rip the skin off its natural moisture this is why it is preferable to go for mild soaps, this will help keep your skin hydrated and soft.

4. Avoid Certain Foods: Some foods can cause allergies in some people, food such as dairy foods and nuts can cause serious allergies that result in eczema hence causing dry and flaky skin.

5. Avoid Tight Clothing: Avoid using tight clothing this may trigger eczema and cause a flare-up which can lead to skin inflammation, it is preferable to wear loose clothing always to prevent a flare-up of eczema on your skin.

Conclusion: The cause of eczema on the skin is broad which is why special care is needed to prevent eczema on your skin, the steps listed above will help you treat eczema on your skin, and the symptoms usually clear up in a few weeks.

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