
What Is Moisture Barrier Skin?

The skin moisture barrier is responsible for the overall health of your skin, when the skin loses its moisture it becomes weak and liable to external factors, and the skin moisture barrier helps to maintain the skin and protect the skin from dryness and itchiness, continue reading to gain more information about moisture barrier skin and it's important. 


What Is Skin Moisture Barrier

The skin moisture barrier is the outer layer of the skin that is found in the epidermis layer of the skin, skin moisture barrier act as a protective shield against environmental and harmful substances. The moisture barrier tends to provide a buffer whenever the body undergoes stress and risk.

Causes Of Damaged Moisture Barrier Skin

A damaged moisture barrier skin can be caused by different environmental factors which include

1. Sun Exposure: Constant exposure to sunlight can rip your skin of its natural moisture which can cause dehydration and dryness of the skin leaving your skin prone to pathogens that may cause infections and diseases.

2. Aging: Aging can cause a decrease in the moisture content of your skin which can affect your moisture barrier and cause severe damage leaving your skin prone to dryness and itchiness.

3. Weather Condition: The weather condition can also cause damage to the moisture barrier skin during winter the moisture content in the skin is usually low due to the dry breeze, during hot weather conditions the body tends to lose moisture through extremely hot weather conditions.

4. Stress: Stress can also cause a damaged moisture barrier when the body is stressed it can cause loss of moisture which can cause damage to the moisture barrier skin hence leading to dry and scaly skin texture.

5. Over-Exfoliation: Over-exfoliation can damage the moisture barrier, when you exfoliate your body you tend to remove dead skin cells, sweat, dirt, and bacteria, excess exfoliating can cause skin irritation which can cause dehydration of the skin thereby reducing the skin moisture content.

6. Harsh Products: Harsh products can cause severe damage to the skin when you use harsh chemicals you tend to reduce the activeness of the skin barrier by causing dehydration which can result in dry and flaky skin.

7. Allergies: Allergies can cause skin inflammation which can damage the moisture barrier thereby reducing the moisture content in the skin, when the skin has low moisture content it can result in dehydration and dryness of the skin.

What Happens If Your Skin Moisture Barrier Is Damaged?

There are lots of things that can happen if your skin moisture barrier is damaged, your skin can become dry and scaly, and it may become prone to infections.

1. Dryness: This is what happens if your skin moisture barrier is damaged, your skin can become very dry even after applying moisturizer, and this may occur occasionally until you start taking care of your skin barrier, when the skin barrier is damaged it loses its tendency to hold moisture and oil in the skin.

2. Itchiness: This can occur when the skin moisture barrier is damaged, in most cases, dryness can result in itchiness, when the skin's moisture barrier is damaged it can easily cause irritation which can result in itchiness.

3. Patches: when your skin moisture barrier is damaged it can be liable to pathogens which can cause bacteria causing infection thereby leaving the skin with patches and uneven tone.

4. Rough and dull: when the skin barrier is damaged it can result in a rough and dull texture, the skin barrier is responsible for the skin's appearance, and a damaged skin barrier will always appear rough and dull due to its lack of moisture.

How To Repair Your Damaged Moisture Barrier Skin

1. Ceramides: Ceramide is a lipid that is naturally present in the skin barrier, ceramide is responsible for the protection of the skin barrier, and the use of ceramide can help repair damaged moisture barrier by maintaining the skin's moisture and rejuvenating the skin, ceramide is used as an ingredient in skincare products, you can use a product with ceramide to help improve the skin barrier.

2. Use Body Oils: Body oils have anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to rejuvenate the skin, and natural oils can help soothe the skin and replenish the skin's moisture, natural oils like jojoba oil, coconut oil, olive oil, rosehip oil, argan oil, sunflower oil, etc can be used to repair the damaged moisture barrier skin.

3. Apply Sunscreen: Sunscreen can help protect the skin from sun damage, sunscreen is very important in protecting the skin's moisture barrier, get a good sunscreen that can help protect your skin from sun damage and external environmental factors.

4. Invest In Good Skincare Products: Skincare products that can help improve your skin moisture barrier should be your target, invest your money in good skincare products to help improve your moisture barrier.

Conclusion: Your skin barrier is responsible for the protection of your skin when the moisture barrier skin is damaged the skin tends to be liable to different external factors, it can also affect its appearance and texture, and your skin can become dry, rough, dull, itchy and sensitive, it is very important to avoid anything that can cause damage to your skin barrier.

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