
What Causes Psoriasis On The Skin?

Psoriasis is known as reoccurring itching, redness, and red patches on the skin, this is a skin condition that may be alarming because of its constant flare-up, but there is absolutely no reason to worry about this skin condition because it can be treated with some medications, continue reading this article to find out the cause of psoriasis on the skin and how it can be treated to avoid further discomfort.


What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition that usually occurs when the skin cells tend to build up to form rashes, itching, and scaly skin, this may occur when the immune system tends to attack the skin cells which can result in excessive cells production hence resulting in skin cells build-up, this is usually classified as an autoimmune condition.

Symptoms Of Psoriasis

Symptoms of psoriasis may be severe or it may be mild on the skin, but not all psoriasis is accompanied by a symptom, some of the symptoms include

  • Thick red patches that can become itchy.
  • White or silver scales on the skin.
  • Dry and flaky skin that may become itchy.
  • Rashes that may flare up.
  • The Joints may become swollen and painful.

Types Of Psoriasis

There are different types of psoriasis and they are usually accompanied by different symptoms

1. Guttate: This type of psoriasis usually occurs in children it may result in red spots on the body, it is usually seen on the legs, arms, and chest, this type of psoriasis is in small round shape and they are not usually thick, it may result in itching in most cases.

2. Plaque: This is a common type of psoriasis that occurs in most people, it usually forms thick red patches on the skin, or it may form white or silver patches on the skin, this type of psoriasis is usually inflamed and may cause a further reaction on the skin, this condition may occur for months or years depending on the severity of the disease.

3. Pustular: This is another type of psoriasis that occurs in adults it usually causes white blisters that are filled with pus, this type of psoriasis occurs in some parts of the body which include the hands and feet but it may spread to other parts of the body if left untreated.

4. Erythrodermic: This type of psoriasis is classified as the most severe type of psoriasis, it is usually uncommon compared to other types of psoriasis, it occurs on a large scale on the skin, it usually forms thick large patches that tend to fall off.

5. Nail: Nail psoriasis occurs in about 40 - 50 % of psoriasis patients, it mostly affects the skin around the nails and tends to enter your nails, this only affects the fingernails and toes nails.

6. Inverse: This is a type of psoriasis that occurs in the sweaty area on the skin, it comes in form of red patches that may become inflamed and cause itching, you usually find it around the armpits, under the breasts, the thighs, and genital areas.

What Causes Psoriasis On The Skin

Psoriasis does not have a major cause it has not been scientifically proven, but it mostly occurs as a result of genetics, some people are more prone to psoriasis this is due to a genetically related issue 

1. Genetics: Genetics is the major cause of psoriasis, it may occur in people who have a history related to this skin condition, most psoriasis tends to be hereditary according to scientific research.

2. Infection: one of the major causes of psoriasis on the skin is Infection, the presence of bacterial or fungal infection may result in psoriasis, this occurs when your immune system tends to fight your skin cells which may result in inflamed skin and flare up.

3. Weather Condition: Weather conditions can result in skin conditions like psoriasis, this skin condition is most common during the winter period.

4. Certain Medications: Some medications can trigger psoriasis on the skin, and the use of medications like chloroquine for malaria and lithium can trigger psoriasis on the skin.

5. Cuts And Wounds: Cuts and wounds can also trigger psoriasis on the skin, and accidents that result in wounds can become flare up and result in psoriasis on the skin, this is one of the causes of psoriasis on the skin.

How To Treat Psoriasis

1. Cyclosporine And Methotrexate: The use of cyclosporine and methotrexate can help prevent the skin cells from being attacked, and it can help reduce symptoms of psoriasis.

2. Coal Tar: Coal tar can be used on the skin to help treat psoriasis on the skin, coal tar is usually gotten from wood or coal and it's effective in treating psoriasis.

3. Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is mostly used in the treatment of psoriasis on the skin, salicylic acid can be effective in peeling the upper surface of the skin and helping to get rid of psoriasis on the skin.

 4. Turmeric: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which are used in treating several skin inflammation of the skin, the use of turmeric can help treat psoriasis on the skin.

5. Aloe vera: Aloe vera has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which can be used to treat psoriasis symptoms on the skin.

6. Tea tree Oil: Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which makes it an effective product for treating psoriasis on the skin, the application of tea tree oil on the skin can help reduce itching and redness.

Is Psoriasis Contagious?

Psoriasis is not a contagious disease, psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that results in cell build-up, it can only be transferred through genes, which is found in family history.

Conclusion: Psoriasis is caused on the skin by different skin condition, but it usually occurs when the immune system tends to fight the skin cells and causes a build of cells on the skin surface which can result in itching, scaly, redness, and inflamed skin that may take time to go away, psoriasis may be hard to manage because it does not go away easily, it requires consistent treatment and time for it to go away, it is preferable to consult your doctor or dermatologist for the right treatment for your skin condition.

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