
What Causes Skin Inflammation?

Skin inflammation usually occurs as a result of infection, allergies, or other skin issues, skin inflammation may occur when your immune system tends to fight against foreign objects, most times skin inflammation can occur in form of rashes, redness, itching, etc the skin might flare up when it's been infected by foreign substances like bacteria, fungal and viral infection, continue reading this article to get more valuable info about the causes of skin inflammation and how it can be treated on the skin.

Skin inflammation

What Is Skin Inflammation?

Skin inflammation is a symptom that occurs when the body's immune system appears to be active against infection, this can result in rashes, itching, and redness of the skin, this skin inflammation is also referred to as dermatitis, it may also result in blister, burning sensation, and even pimples.

What Causes Skin Inflammation?

1. Infection: One of the common causes of skin inflammation is a result of infection, a skin infection that is caused by bacteria, fungal and viruses can result in a skin inflammation, example of skin inflammation on the skin is ringworm which usually comes in form of rashes that can become itchy and may cause redness of the skin.

2. Sun Exposure: Sun exposure is another cause of skin inflammation, during hot weather the body tends to experience the heat that can cause inflammation to the skin, going out during hot weather can be terrible for your skin, because the sun can cause severe damage to your skin, apart from sunburn it can also cause skin inflammation like rashes which is commonly known as heat rashes, this type of skin inflammation can become itchy and result in discomfort.

3. Allergies: Allergies can be caused by harsh chemicals, skin care products, or in most cases foods, allergies can result in rashes, and redness of the skin, these rashes can form blisters in some cases.

4. Genetically: There are some skin inflammation that occurs through genetics, a skin inflammation that is caused by eczema may be genetically related, eczema prone skin is more liable to skin inflammation such as redness, rashes, and dry patches, in this situation you have to avoid any substance that can flare up skin inflammation that is caused by eczema.

How To Treat Skin Inflammation On Your Skin?

Skin inflammation can be treated with over-the-counter medications which may be taken orally or applied topically, the inflamed skin will go away after a few days of treatment but if the symptoms persist it is advisable to see your doctor for a better diagnosis, and treatment.

1. Oral Medication: Oral medication is an effective way to treat skin inflammation, you can use antihistamines for allergic reactions, which is very effective in treating allergies, or you can simply use antibiotics for bacterial infection, there is also anti-fungal medication that can be taken to treat fungal infections, your dermatologist will prescribe a suitable medication for your skin.

2. Topical Medication: Topical medications are known as antibacterial and antifungal creams that are applied on the skin to treat this inflammation, cream like corticosteroids can be applied on the skin to reduce inflammation, topical cream is one of the effective ways to treat skin inflammation.

3. Herbs: Some natural plants can be used on the skin to treat skin inflammation, this method is one of the most effective ways of treating inflamed skin, it was used by our grandmothers and it's been used up till today, the juice of these plants is been applied to the affected area of the skin, or it can also be taken orally to cleanse the body and fight infections in the body, plants like calendula can be used in treating skin inflammation that is caused by eczema or dermatitis, other plants that can be used in treating skin inflammation include evening primrose oil, aloe vera, sage leaf, fenugreek seed, plantain leaf, etc.

4. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which can be used on the skin to treat skin inflammation like rashes and redness, the use of tea tree oil on the skin can help soothe the skin and prevent the symptoms from getting worse, this can be done by applying tea tree oil to the affected area.

5. Diet: Improving your diet can help prevent skin inflammation, intake of certain food like pastries, white bread, fries, margarine, drinks, and red meat might be associated with diabetes which can result in skin inflammation, there are some certain food that should be incorporated to your diet to treat skin inflammation such as tomatoes, almonds, strawberries, nuts, spinach, fish, pineapple, green, etc.

How To Reduce Skin Inflammation

1. Use a cold compress to relieve symptoms on the skin.

2. Wear comfortable clothes that won't flares up the skin inflammation, and avoid tight clothing that may irritate your skin and worsen the condition.

3. Take a warm oatmeal bath this will help soothe your skin and relieve symptoms.

4. Limit your intake of dairy foods this may worsen your skin inflammation.

5. Take vitamin D supplements to help relieve skin inflammation that is mostly caused by eczema. 

Conclusion: Skin inflammation may cause discomfort in your skin but it can also be treated with some simple methods which are listed above, you can also consult your doctor or dermatologist for better treatment, skin inflammation may be a cause for alarm but is something that can easily be treated, and it advisable to avoid anything that can trigger skin inflammation like sun exposure and tight clothing.

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