
How To Identify Sensitive Skin?

Sensitive skin is a delicate skin type, this type of skin requires more attention and care than other skin types, most people with sensitive skin usually go for mild skincare products because of the nature of their skin type, Having sensitive skin can come with lots of stress because you won't know what products to go for, in this article we shall be giving you hints on how to identify sensitive skin and what to do to keep your skin in a good way at all times, kindly read till the end for more information.

Sensitive skin

What Is Sensitive Skin Type?

Sensitive skin type is inflamed skin, this type of skin is prone to irritation, sensitive skin can be genetically related but in most cases, it can be obtained due to a damaged skin barrier, you can equally manage sensitive skin.

How To Identify Sensitive Skin

There are various ways to identify sensitive skin because of its fragile nature

1. Itching skin: This is one way to identify sensitive skin, your skin can easily get irritated and become itchy, the itch is usually mild but can become severe in very hot weather.

2. Rashes: This skin can easily get rashes, especially during hot weather, and can result in itching.

3. Redness: The itchiness can eventually lead to redness of the skin, this mostly occurs when you keep touching your skin.

4. Dry Patches: Dry patches are mostly seen as a sign of loss of moisture skin barrier, these dry patches can become scaly.

5. Skin Easily Sting: This sensitive skin is usually identified due to its stinging nature, this skin can easily get burned when using harsh products.

6. Acne: This skin type is prone to acne which includes acne pustules, and acne papules.

7. Tight Skin: Your skin may feel tight especially after washing.

Causes Of Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin type may be acquired through genes but they are also some factors that can lead to sensitive skin type,

1. Eczema: Eczema is a skin condition that causes redness, itchiness, dryness, etc eczema can result in sensitive skin, eczema doesn't have a cause but in most cases, it can be caused by dirt on the surface of your skin, most people believe that it's is as a result of genetics, this skin condition can be treated with both oral and topical medication.


The most used medication for eczema is corticosteroids, this medication is available in both orally and topically, you can use either of the two alone, but it is more effective if you use the topical corticosteroid and oral corticosteroid together, this combination is very effective and you will see results in less than a few weeks.

2. Dryness: Dryness can result due to loss of skin moisture, when the skin moisture barrier is damaged the skin will become very dry and flaky which can result in dry patches on the skin, lack of the skin natural oil can also cause damaged skin barrier, this can be caused by harsh chemicals, lack of moisturizers, changes in weather, genes, etc.


Use a hydrating moisturizer that can help repair your damaged barrier, drink adequate water to help replenish lost moisture, and use mild skincare products on your skin to prevent dryness.

3. Allergic Contact dermatitis: This usually occurs when you are allergic to a particular substance, this can result in redness, itchiness, bump, swelling, burning, stinging, etc. This can be caused by the plant, soaps, jewelry, lotion, fragrance, cosmetics, etc.


This allergic reaction can be treated with topical antihistamines which can help relieve itch and inflammation, you can also use an oral antihistamine to help soothe the skin and reduce itchiness. The best way to avoid this kind of inflammation is to identify the products that cause allergies and avoid them.

4. Rosacea: This is a skin disease that usually affects the face, it may result in sunburn, redness, pimples, bump on the face, visible blood vessels, etc. This type of skin condition usually results in sensitive skin.


Oral and topical treatment can be used to treat rosacea on the face, the use of azelaic acid can help relieve symptoms like bumps and redness on the face, and other medications include doxycycline.

How To Take Care Of Sensitive Skin

1. Apply sunscreen always to help protect your skin barrier from damage.

2. Avoid harsh chemicals that will damage your skin barrier.

3. Use a mild cleanser on your face that will help soothe your skin.

4. Use a moisturizer that will help repair your skin barrier.

5. Avoid hot showers that will rip your skin off its natural oil and moisture.

6. Drink adequate water to help keep your skin hydrated.

7. Avoid the use of alpha hydroxyl acid because it can cause inflammation on sensitive skin.

8. Avoid the use of alcohol-based products on your face.

9. Retinoids can irritate sensitive skin types so it is best to avoid the use of retinoids on your skin or you can as well conduct a patch test before use.

10. Use hydrating face toner to help get rid of dead skin cells on your face.

Conclusion: Sensitive skin requires more care to help you avoid skin inflammation and irritation, these steps listed above will enable you to identify sensitive skin types, and it is also important to conduct a patch test on your skin before applying any skincare product.

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