
How To Treat Acne On Your Face

Acne does not only make your face unattractive it also causes discomfort like pain and itching, acne is something that you might have experienced at one point in your life, acne can easily be treated, however, acne has different types which also require different treatment, so you must visit your dermatologist before treatment to avoid wrong treatment, especially in severe acne. In this article, we shall be giving you tips on how to treat acne on your face continue reading till the end to acquire more information.


What Is Acne?

Acne occurs when excess sebum and dead skin cells tend to clog the skin's pores, acne can mostly be mistaken for pimples, and acne can be in different forms which include whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, etc.

Causes Of Acne

1. Stress: Stress can result in acne on the skin, stress may cause the skin to produce more oil than usual which can clog the skin's pores which can result in acne, this can be avoided by having enough rest and adopting a skincare routine.

2. Genetics: Genetics is one of the major causes of acne, genes are responsible for your skin type, and genes can be transferred from a parent to a child, if your family members are oily skin type you may likely have oily skin, oily skin types tend to produce more sebum than usual which can clog your pores and result in acne.

3. Food: Most times the food we eat can cause acne on our skin, it is better to avoid food that can result in acne, if you have an acne prone skin, carbohydrates type of food can result in acne, and food that is also rich in fat and oil can also result in acne.

4. Humidity: Humidity can result in acne on your skin, a humid climate might increase the production of sebum in your skin, and during hot weather, the skin tends to be dehydrated which can trigger the production of more sebum in the skin that can clog the pores which eventually result in acne.

5. Hormones: Hormones can play a crucial role in acne formation on your skin, an increase in a particular type of hormone can result in excess sebum production, while a decrease in a particular hormone can also lead to excess sebum production when your hormones are not balanced your body tends to undergo different changes.

What Are The Types Of Acne?

1. Inflammatory Acne: inflammatory acne may cause severe outcomes which include:

Cyst Acne: Cyst acne is a very large bump on the skin with a pus-filled center this type of acne can be painful when touched and can also result in scars after being treated.

Papules Acne: Papules acne is a small red bump on the skin without a center and pus this type of acne is usually hard when touched, it may cause pain, and it is usually round in shape.

Pustules Acne: Pustules acne is a round pus-filled bump, this type of acne usually has a red base with a pointed center which can result in scarring after treatment.

Nodules Acne: Nodules acne is usually a large bump that may be caused by inflammation of the skin, this type of bump is like pustules acne with no center but they are usually larger than the pustules acne, it is usually painful.

2. Non-Inflammatory Acne: This type of acne is usually mild it does not cause pain and discomfort

 Whiteheads: Whiteheads can occur as a small white bump on the skin's surface, this type of acne doesn't cause pain and scarring on the skin's surface, most times hair follicle appears at the center of this bump.

Blackheads: blackheads are usually small black bumps on the skin's surface, blackheads are a result of a whitehead that has an opening, it does not leave scarring on the skin's surface.

How To Treat Acne On Your Face

1. Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are the use of skin-friendly chemicals to remove the upper layer of the skin, this method is very effective in treating acne, and dark spots, it works by removing dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil that may have clogged your pores.

2. Benzoyl Peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is used on the skin topically to treat acne on the skin, this can be used to treat acne on your face it is very safe for the skin, but it might irritate your skin if you have a sensitive skin type.

3. Retinoid: Retinoids can also be used on the skin to help improve the skin's appearance, retinoid is very effective in reducing acne, acne scars, blemishes, etc a topical retinoid can be applied to the skin to help treat acne on your face.

4. Laser Therapy: This is the use of light treatment on the skin, this helps to remove the top layer of your skin, which can help get rid of acne and acne scars on your face.

5. Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is the most effective ingredient in treating acne, it has ain't inflammatory properties which helps to tackle acne on the skin and helps you minimize acne breakouts by decreasing excess oil secretion on the skin.

6. Microdermabrasion: This is a common way to treat acne on your face, it can be done at home or by your dermatologist, this is the use of a small tool device to help remove the upper layer of your skin, this method is effective in reducing acne scars on your face.

7. Azelaic Acid: Azelaic acid is also an effective way to treat acne, topical azelaic acne is applied on the skin to help treat acne on the skin by reducing excess oil on the surface of the skin. 

How To Prevent Acne

Acne on the face can be prevented in so many ways the best way, is to be consistent with a skincare regime.

1. Wash Your face twice daily this helps to remove bacteria and excess oil and dirt from the skin's surface.

2. Apply face cleansers daily this is because face cleansers are made with ingredients that help to remove excess oil and dirt from your skin.

3. Apply toner daily on your skin because toner can help remove leftover oils that can lead to clogged pores.

4. Avoid excess exfoliating this may destroy your protective skin barrier.

5. Wear sunscreen daily to help protect your skin from UV rays.

6. Drink adequate water this will help in keeping your skin hydrated and prevent excess oil from clogging your pores.

7. Exercise always to help increase blood circulation in your skin which can help improve your skin's appearance.

Conclusion: Minor acne usually goes away on its own, these steps listed above will enable you to treat acne on your face you just have to be consistent with your treatment some acne can take a few days for it to disappear completely and some can take a few weeks for it be gone, it all depends on the severity of the acne on your face.

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