
How To Treat Acne Papules

Acne comes in various forms, there are different types of acne and papule is a type of acne that can be found on the face, have you ever experienced a very small red bump on your skin? A papule is a small red bump that appears on the skin's surface due to excess oil, acne papule is a common skin condition and they can be treated easily with an easy skincare routine, in this article, we are going to be sharing with you how to treat acne papules on the skin, continue reading till the end to get more understanding.

Acne papules

What Are Acne Papules

Acne papules are small red bumps that appear on the surface of the skin which are usually caused by clogged pores. Papules are small bumps without pus, this type of acne is usually very easy to treat. 

Causes Of Acne Papules

Acne papules are mainly caused by oil, dead skin cells, and dirt that may have clogged the skin pores, some of the things that can trigger acne papules include

1. Genetical Traits: Genes are one of the causes of papules they can be transmitted from a parent to a child, and oily skin can be gotten through genes, this type of skin is usually acne prone, and it's likely to be prone to acne papules.

2. Stress: Stress is the process of overworking your body, stress can affect your skin, and it usually causes the skin to produce excess oil which can clog the skin's pores and hence result in acne papules, most times the body needs spa treatments for good relaxation and pampering.

3. Hormonal Imbalance: Hormonal imbalance is the change in hormones in the body, the hormones are said to be an imbalance when a particular hormone decreases or increases than usual, these changes in hormones may result in excess oil production which can lead to breakout such as acne papules.

4. Nutrition: When the body is lacking nutrients there is a possibility of acne breakout, this is because a healthy diet will help improve the skin texture and appearance, and some food can also trigger the production of more oil on the skin which can result in acne papules.

Do Acne Papules Go Away?

Acne papules are usually small bumps without pus this type of acne is harmless and it can fade away on its own, picking papules might result in pustules, pustules are large bumps with pus-filled centers. Acne papules can be treated naturally at home with easy natural remedies.

Do Acne Papules Spread?

Acne papules are noninfectious bumps so they are harmless bumps, this type of bumps are not contagious so they cannot be passed from one person to another.

How To Treat Acne Papules

1. Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties that can be effective in reducing acne breakouts, salicylic acid can be used to remove dead skin cells and excess oil on the skin's surface.

2. Benzoyl Peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties this benzoyl peroxide is used to reduce acne by killing the bacteria on the surface of the skin, and it is widely used to reduce mild acne such as acne papules on the skin.

3. Sulfur: Sulfur is an over-the-counter medication that can be applied topically on the skin, this sulfur can be used to treat blackheads and whiteheads on the skin, sulfur helps to unclog the skin pores by reducing sebum production in the skin, this is an effective way to treat acne papules.

4. Antibiotics: Antibiotics are used to treat acne papules on the skin, this is because antibiotics have anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to reduce the bacteria causing acne, antibiotics can be used with topical creams and ointment for more effective results.

5. Retinoid: Retinoid is a vitamin A derivative that has anti-inflammatory properties that are very effective in treating acne, retinoid can help to unclog the skin pores which can help reduce acne papules on the skin, topical retinoid can be used to treat acne on the skin.

How To Prevent Acne Papules

1. Wash your face daily this will help to remove excess oil and dirt, it is advisable to wash your face twice daily.

2. Use a mild cleanser on your face to prevent acne papules.

3. Always apply toner to your face this will help unclog your pores and improves your skin texture and appearance.

4. Use retinol serum on your face this will help to prevent acne.

5. Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer daily this will help to prevent acne.

6. Apply sunscreen daily this help protect your skin and prevent acne.

7. Avoid using hot water to wash your face this might result in excess sebum production.

8. Exfoliate your skin with a mild exfoliant and don't exfoliate your skin frequently it may result in breakouts.

9. Eat healthy meals to help prevent acne papules.

10. Drink water frequently to improve your skin health and keep your skin hydrated.

Conclusion: Acne papules may be alarming but they can be treated easily, there are easy ways you can prevent acne papules which are listed above, it is advisable to maintain a skincare regimen to help prevent any stress that might come with acne papules.

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