
What Is The Cause Of Acne On Cheeks

Acne can be caused by so many things, it can be a result of your skin type, oily skin types are prone to acne due to the excess oil secretion, and excessive oil on the skin can block the skin pores hence leading to acne, acne can occur on the foreheads, chin, cheeks, around the mouth, chest, upper back, etc most oily skin types are usually prone to acne, especially at the cheeks because of the excessive oil at this part of the face, you can simply continue reading to get more information about the cause of acne on cheeks.


What Is Acne?

Acne tends to occur when the skin pores are been blocked by excess oil, dirt, and bacteria, it can also occur when the sebaceous gland that connects the hair follicles are triggered and produces excess sebum. Acne can be in the form of pimples, cysts, blackheads, Whiteheads, etc,

What Is The Cause Of Acne On Cheeks?

1. Age: Age is one cause of acne on the cheeks, during the adolescent stage the body tends to develop certain hormones which can result in cheeks acne, in most cases teenage acne usually goes away on its own, this is due to certain development in the body, but you can also, purchase teenage skincare products that will help control acne on your cheeks.

2. Genetics: Genes can also be the cause of acne on the cheeks, the gene is responsible for our skin type if your family has an oily skin type then you may likely get oily skin and oily skin types are prone to acne because of the excess production of sebum (oil) in this type of skin, you may find yourself in this category but you don't need to be bothered you just have to keep up with an acne prone skincare routine.

3. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes can also cause acne on the cheeks, it can result in acne-prone skin due to excessive oil production which is usually caused by changes in hormones, the excessive oil on the skin can clog the skin pores hence resulting in cheeks acne, certain causes of hormonal changes include pregnancy, menstrual cycle, birth control pills, etc

4. Certain Medication: Some medications can result in cheeks acne, and medications that tend to destabilize the hormones in the body can result in certain changes on the skin such as excess oil production on the skin which may result in clogged pores hence leading to cheeks acne, this type of acne can go away on its own after completing the medication.

5. Stress: Stress is one thing the body finds it hard to adjust to, once your body is stressed out you will eventually see some signs of break down and one of these breakdowns is acne breakout, when the skin is stressed it tends to produce more sebum which may clog your skin pores resulting in cheeks acne. This type of acne might go away on its own but in most cases, you need to adhere to a skincare product that will help you get rid of the acne.

6. Wrong Product: If you have an oily skin type you might want to avoid coming in contact with creams, oils, and moisturizers which can cause more oil production, a product that contains oil can trigger the production of excess oil which may clog the skin pores.

How To Treat Acne

1. Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are very effective in treating acne, a chemical peel is used to remove the upper layer of the skin, which can help to improve the skin texture, this is an effective way of getting rid of acne and acne scars.

2. Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to treat acne and scars on the face, this salicylic acid helps in removing the upper layer of the skin, salicylic acid is used as an ingredient in cleansers, moisturizers, serums, etc.

3. Laser Therapy: Laser therapy is a method that requires the use of light treatment to help remove the top layer of the skin, this is very effective in treating acne, before carrying out this procedure your dermatologist will check if this method is compatible with your skin.

4. Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is the use of a tool in removing the top layer of the skin, microdermabrasion helps to remove dead skin cells that may have clogged your pores, it also helps in removing excess oil from the surface of the skin that usually results in acne.

5. Benzoyl Peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide has anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to remove dead skin from the top layer of the skin, it also helps to clear excess oil, sweat, and dirt that may clog your pores, this is an effective way to treat acne.

6. Retinoid: Retinoid has anti-inflammatory properties which help to maintain clear skin, retinoid can help to treat acne, excessive oil, sweat, and dirt on the skin, this is usually done by using a retinoid cream, lotion, or serum in treating acne.

How To Prevent Acne

1. Wash your face daily at least twice a day to help remove dirt, sweat, and oil that can clog your pores.

2. Use an oil-free face cleanser this help to remove excess oil without disrupting your skin barrier.

3. Apply oil-free acne moisturizer this can help to prevent acne on your cheeks, a very good oil-free acne moisturizer is Neutrogena oil-free acne moisturizer.

4. Wear sunscreen at all times, sun exposure can result in excess oil production on the skin.

5. Stay hydrated always by increasing your intake of water, water can help to hydrate the skin, and it can also help to prevent acne on the face by reducing the production of excess oil.

6. Don’t apply an oil base makeup product this will only cause more damage to your skin, it is preferable to use oil-free makeup products that won't clog your skin.

7. Eating healthy meals like fruits rich in vitamin E will help to improve your skin texture and keep your skin hydrated.

8. Remove your makeup before bedtime because most makeup is made with an oil base ingredients that tend to clog the skin if left for too long.

9. Avoid touching your face with dirty hands this may worsen acne on your cheeks.

10. Avoid frequent exfoliation this may disrupt your skin's protective barrier which can result in acne, a chemical exfoliator is preferable for acne-prone skin.

Conclusion: Causes of acne on the cheeks are a bit wide and they can be easily treated if you use the right products on your face, these methods listed above will help you treat and prevent acne on your cheeks, but it is important to keep up with your skincare routine, this will help give you a flawless skin.

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