
How To Treat Skin Lesions

Skin lesions are abnormal conditions of the skin, they might be caused by different external factors, but they can also be treated, so many people have encountered skin lesions at some time in their lives, and it can be of great concern because nobody wants a deviation from their normal skin, everybody wants a clean and flawless skin, if you have been searching for ways to identify and treat skin lesions I beseech you to search no further because you are in the right place, continue reading this article to get an insight of how to treat skin lesions.

Skin lesion

What Are Skin Lesions?

Skin lesions are abnormal conditions of the skin that can be found in small parts or large parts of the skin, it is usually caused by bacterial, fungi, or varieties of external factors. Some of the symptoms of skin lesions include headache, blister. nausea, difficulty in breathing, swelling of the skin, redness of the skin, fever, sweating, cracked skin, etc. Skin lesions can result in dry skin after treatment.

What Are The Types Of Skin Lesions?

1. Primary: Primary skin lesions usually occur during our lifetime but the skin lesions are usually minor and can be easily treated with over-the-counter medications or natural home remedies. Some of the primary skin lesions include rashes, acne, pimples, bumps, etc.

2. Secondary: Secondary skin lesions usually develop when the primary skin lesion is been irritated, this can be a result of scratching, which may further result in more inflamed skin conditions. Some of the secondary skin lesions include scars, fissures, ulcers, etc.

Causes Of Skin Lesions

1. Ringworm: Ringworm is a rash with a circular shape that is usually caused by a fungal infection, this can occur in any part of the body and it can be easily transferred from one part of the body to another part if not treated on time, it may cause severe itching and scaly skin.

2. Eczema: Eczema is a skin condition that appears to be scaly, itchy, and redness, it can occur in any part of the skin, but it is usually common in the back region, hands region, and face region, it can be easily treated with over the counter medications or it can also be treated with topical creams and ointments.

3. Hives: Hives are a skin condition that is usually caused by an allergic reaction, they can result in rashes that appear to be red and itchy, and they can also appear in small or large circle shapes, they can be treated by applying topical ointment and cream or by the use of over the counter medications.

4. Moles: Moles are skin growth that is usually in the form of lumps, this usually occurs when a particular part of the skin is exposed to excessive sun, this type of skin lesion is usually harmless and may not result in side effects, but it can become cancerous in some cases if proper action is not taken, it is advisable to see your doctor for a much better diagnosis and treatment.

5. Impetigo: Impetigo is an infection of the skin that is caused by staphylococcus, this staphylococcus bacteria is a gram-positive bacteria that appears spherical usually in clusters shape, it usually forms soars around the affected part of the skin, it is found in babies in most cases and can become contagious if not treated at the right time, it is advisable to see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

6. Acne: Acne is a common skin condition that may be caused by bacterial or fungal infections, it can also develop as a result of excessive oil and dirt on the skin, and it can result in blackheads, cysts, pimples, white head, etc acne is usually harmless, but it can be inflamed by picking and touching with your hands, and it is more common on oily skin types, it may occur on the face, neck, back, and chest, it can be treated with topical creams, serum, cleanser, toner, medication, etc.

7. Psoriasis: Psoriasis is a skin inflammatory condition that is a chronic skin disease, it is usually characterized as itchy, flaky skin, red patches, etc, which tends to appear on the neck, hands, and scalp, it can be treated with over-the-counter medication, but you should visit your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

8. Chicken Pox: Chicken pox is a highly contagious skin disease that often causes itchy and blister rash, this can occur in some parts of the body, but can also occur all over the body if not treated at the appropriate time, chickenpox can be treated with over the counter medications, it is advisable to visit your doctor if symptoms persist after the use of medication.

How To Treat Skin Lesions

1. Medications: This is the most common way to treat skin infection, topical drugs are very effective in treating skin infection you can simply get this from a pharmacy, some other medicines can also be taken orally for severe skin infections this type of medication usually speeds up the healing process, you need to visit your doctor for proper diagnosis and prescription.

2. Natural Herbs: Natural herbs is another way to treat skin lesions because most plant contains antimicrobial compounds that can be used to treat skin infections like bacterial and fungal infections, plant has been in existence since the early days and has been used for treating infections up till date, the use of  plant for treating skin lesions is very effective and can be done naturally at home.

3. Surgery: Surgery is mostly used in severe skin lesions this can usually occur when medications don't appear to solve the problem, skin lesions like moles may require surgery because this type of growth can be cancerous, which is why it is preferable to use surgery in most cases, surgery is usually expensive but it is an effective way to treat skin lesions.

Conclusion: Skin lesions usually cause discomfort especially if it is accompanied by itch, but it just requires time and patience to be able to overcome skin lesions, these steps listed above can be of help to enable you to treat skin lesions, always remember to consult your doctor if symptoms persist after using over the counter medications.

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