
Types Of Skin Blemishes On Face

Blemishes on the face are very common, so many people have experienced skin blemishes during their lifetime, skin blemishes on the face can make you feel less of yourself, especially as a lady. Skin with blemishes doesn't always appear attractive, skin blemishes can be treated if you can tackle the cause on time. Oily skin type is usually prone to skin blemishes like acne, there are other skin blemishes continue reading this article to get more information about the types of skin blemishes on the face and how to treat them.

Blemish skin

The Difference Between Acne And Blemishes

Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, etc, while blemish is a skin condition that usually causes discoloration of the skin, acne can result in a blemish.

Types Of Skin Blemishes On Face

1. Acne: Acne is usually caused when the hair follicles are clogged by bacteria, dirt, and oil. these can result in acne there are different types of acne which include, papules, pustules, cysts, etc, and acne is caused by stress, hormone changes, diet, medications, harsh products, sun exposure, etc. Blemishes caused by acne can be treated with pigment-reducing active which is available in both serums and lotion.

2. Age Spots: Age spots usually occur on the skin when the skin tends to undergo aging it is seen in people above 50 years but most people tend to experience age spots as early as 40 years, it is caused by excessive exposure to the sun, the UV rays from the sun can cause damage to the skin by leaving age spots on the skin which can also be referred to as liver spots. This type of skin blemish can be treated with hydroquinone, this is because of its lightening properties.

3. Rashes: Rashes are bumpy, red, itchy, and flaky patches of skin, this is caused by infection, hot weather conditions, sun exposure, allergies, insect bites, certain medications, dry skin, etc. This type of skin blemish can be treated with mild medication to relieve pain and itching, you can use pigment-reducing active to get rid of the scaly skin texture and reduce itchiness.

4. Melasma: Melasma is a dark patch on the skin, melasma is caused when there is excess melanin production in the body, this excess melanin production can result in brown patches on the skin. this type of skin blemish is caused by excessive sun exposure, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, birth control pills, etc. It can be treated by using kojic acid, hydroquinone, glutathione, chemical peels, laser treatment, etc.

5. Birth Marks: Birthmarks are usually referred to as skin abnormalities that occur during childbirth, birthmarks can portray different colors on the skin, they might be white, brown, or gray marks on the skin. The major cause of birthmarks is unknown, this type of skin blemish is mostly permanent on the skin, birthmarks are harmless on the skin, but they can be removed from the skin by using laser surgery.

Home Remedies For Skin Blemishes

Different natural ingredients can be used to treat skin blemishes on face, which include

1. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties which make it very effective in treating, blackheads, Whiteheads, acne, dark spots, and itchy skin, it can also help to repair the damaged skin barrier. You can apply the aloe vera gel directly on your skin.

2. Honey: Honey is used in soothing the skin this is due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, honey also has lightening properties that can be used to reduce dark spots on the skin, honey can help reduce skin itching, it can be used to reduce acne on the skin, it can also help to repair damaged moisture barrier skin. You can apply honey directly on your skin or mixed with other ingredients.

3. Tomatoes Juice: Tomatoes juice has antioxidant properties, is also a rich source of vitamin C, and can be used to clear skin blemishes such as blackheads, Whiteheads, and acne breakouts, it can also help reduce dry and scaly skin, it can help reduce dark spots on the skin, you can simply apply the juice directly on your skin and wash off after a few minutes.

4. Lemon: Lemon has antimicrobial properties and it's a rich source of vitamin C, lemon has high acidic content that can help reduce dark spots this is because of its natural bleaching agent, lemon should be used in small quantities and mixed with other ingredients to prevent skin irritation.

How To Prevent Skin Blemishes

1. Increase your water intake to help keep your skin hydrated because dehydrated skin can result in skin blemishes.

2. Avoid stress, too much stress can stimulate excess sebum production in your skin which may clog your skin pores and result in acne breakouts thereby causing skin blemishes.

3. Use good skincare products on your skin, this helps prevent skin blemishes.

4. Apply sunscreen always to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

5. Wear protective clothing to help protect your skin against sun damage.

6. Exercise frequently to help keep your body healthy. Exercising can help flush out toxins which can help prevent skin blemishes on your face.

7. Eat fruits and vegetables that will help improve your skin health and improve the overall appearance of your skin.

8. Follow a skincare routine that will help protect your skin and keep your skin healthy, exfoliating can help remove dead skin cells that may be trapped in your skin pores, use cleansers, and toners to help improve your skin complexion, this can help prevent skin blemishes on your face.

Conclusion: There are different types of skin blemishes on the face, and these skin blemishes can also be treated by using natural remedies or other skin products, you can also prevent these skin blemishes on your face by following a simple skincare routine and using good skincare products that won’t cause damage to your skin, you can simply follow these steps above to help treat and prevent skin blemishes on your skin, it's also best to visit your dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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