
How To Create The Best Skincare Routine

A skincare routine is very important daily, without a skincare routine you will find yourself neglecting your skin and finding it hard to take care of your skin the right way, not having a skincare routine can make your skin liable to external factors and harsh weather conditions if you want to achieve a soft, smooth, and glowing skin you must stick to a good skincare routine, in this article, we will be giving you tips on how to create the best skincare routine.

Skincare routine

Determine Your Type Of Skin

This is the first step to a good skincare routine, you need to know your skin type to opt for a good skincare regime and to avoid the use of wrong products on your skin, this enables you to take good care of your skin

What are the different types of skin

1. Normal Skin: This is a skin type that has a very smooth and fine texture, a normal skin type has small skin pores with balanced oil and moisture.

2. Oily Skin: This type of skin is usually known for its oily and greasy nature, this type of skin usually has visible pores and it's acne-prone skin.

3. Dry Skin: This type of skin is characterized as dry, scaly, and flaky skin, it is usually accompanied by a rough texture and tight pores.

4. Combination Skin: This type of skin is a combination of two different types of skin, in most cases, it might be dry around the cheeks and oily around the forehead, nose, and chin.

5. Sensitive Skin: This type of skin is characterized by its sensitive nature, it can easily react to cosmetics, skincare products, and harsh environments.

How To Create The Best Skincare Routine?

A good skincare routine should be uncomplicated, fast, and effective, a good skincare routine should consist of

1. Cleansing

2. Toning

3. Serum

4. Moisturizing

5. Sunscreen 

6. Exfoliating

1. Cleansing is the most important part of skincare, it helps to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and excess oil from the skin, without cleansing, your skincare products will not be effective on your skin. A good cleanser should be mild and gentle on the skin, Most foaming cleansers contain harsh chemicals that can disrupt your skin barrier it is preferable to go for a mild and gentle cleanser that will remove dirt, excess oil, and dead skin cells without disrupting your protective skin barrier. a good cleanser should also be hydrating not one that will strip your skin of its moisture and oil, get a good cleanser that will give your skin that squeaky clean and hydrating feeling. Your cleanser should be used twice a day.

Normal Skin Cleanser: A normal skin cleanser is usually common in the skincare industry, normal skin requires a mild cleanser that will clean the skin without stripping the skin of its natural oil and moisture.

Oily Skin Cleanser: Oily skin can cause clogged pores because of the excess sebum production, it is preferable to get a cleanser that will prevent the production of excess oil on the skin, a cleanser that contains ingredients like green tea, citric acid, aloe vera, etc.

Dry Skin Cleanser: Dry skin is usually known as dry, scaly, and flaky skin, dry skin cleanser should contain ingredients that are hydrating on the skin, ingredients like ceramide and glycerin will help hydrate the skin.

Sensitive Skin Cleanser: Sensitive skin cleansers should be mild on the skin because this skin type is easily irritated, and ingredients like glycerin, aloe vera, and honey are soothing on the skin. 

Combination Skin Cleanser: Combination skin does not require a harsh cleanser, a renewing cleanser will be preferable for a combination skin type.

2. Toning: Toning helps to prepare your skin for other skincare products it also helps to balance your skin's pH level after cleansing toning is the next step in creating the best skincare routine, toners can be applied on the skin either with a cotton pad or with your fingers, ingredients to look at for in toners include alpha hydroxyl acid, beta hydroxyl acids, rose water, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, etc.

3. Serums: Serums should be used on the skin after toners, the serum helps to protect the skin from harsh environments like UV rays, and the use of lightening serum can also help to brighten the skin and reduces dark spots and hyperpigmentation on the skin.

4. Moisturizing: Moisturizing helps to keep the skin hydrated and moisturize, the use of moisturizers on the skin can help to strengthen the skin barrier, and it can also help to rejuvenate damaged skin cells, and dry skin should look out for hydrating creams, oily skin should go for light moisturizers that are non-comedogenic, normal and combination skin should go for lotions to help keep the skin moisturized and hydrated, people with sensitive skin should also use a lightweight moisturizer with mild ingredients such as honey and glycerin.

5. Sunscreen: Sunscreen is very important for your skin, this is an important part of creating the best skincare routine, the skin is always exposed to UV rays, sunscreen should be used daily on the skin to help prevent dark spots, skin cancer, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and fine lines, dry and normal skin should go for mineral sunscreen because of the moisturizing and hydrating effect it gives, oily skin and combination skin should go for chemical sunscreen to avoid adding excess oil to your skin. Sunscreen should be applied daily before sun exposure.

6. Exfoliating: Exfoliating  is important in removing dead skin cells, dirt, excess oil, and sweat from the skin, a weekly exfoliation should be done to prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells on your skin, all skin types require exfoliation, you should exfoliate your skin once or twice a week depending on your skin types, dry, and sensitive skin does not require frequent exfoliation to avoid stripping the skin off its natural oil and moisture.

Skincare Dos

  • Drink water frequently.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Exercise frequently.
  • Wear protective clothing to help prevent sun damage. 
  • Remove all makeup before bedtime.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables frequently.
  • Get good sleep and rest.

Skincare Don’t

  • Don’t touch your face with dirty hands.
  • Don’t use harsh skincare products on your skin. 
  • Don’t use harsh chemicals on your face. 
  • Don’t take a very hot bath.
  • Don’t touch acne on your face.

Conclusion: A skincare routine will help protect your skin from harmful environmental conditions, adapting to a skincare regimen will help improve your skin health and appearance, these steps listed above will help you create the best skincare routine.

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