
How To Get Rid Of Dark-Chapped Lips

Dark chapped lips

Dark-chapped lips are usually common during the summer period because the weather is usually very dry and harsh, which is why it is necessary to always moisturize your lips. There are different causes of dark-chapped lips it can be caused by smoking, sunlight, dehydration, hormonal changes, genetics, hyperpigmentation, etc. Dark-chapped lips can be easily treated but in most cases, it is better to prevent getting dark-chapped lips because this will save you from lots of stress and worries if you are interested in learning more about how to get rid of dark-chapped lips I advise you read this article till the end.

What Are Dark-Chapped Lips

Dark Chapped lip is the process whereby the lip becomes cracked, dull, dry, and dark. Dark-chapped lips are usually unattractive they might result in peeling off and sometimes the peeling can lead to soreness.

Causes Of Dark-Chapped lips

1. Smoking: Smoking can lead to dark-chapped lips because smoking causes dehydration and when the lips don't have enough moisture it becomes dry and dark.

2. Dehydration: Dehydration is one major cause of dark chapped lips, when the body is dehydrated the lips tend to become very dry and dark. A hydrated l lip will look soft and supple.

3. Hyperpigmentation: Hyperpigmentation is an effect of the production of excessive melanin, this excess melanin is what results in dark lips, in most cases hyperpigmentation on the lips can be caused by the use of matte lipstick, frequently licking the lips, saliva, etc by this process the lip can become very dry which can lead to hyperpigmentation.

4. Allergies: Allergy is another thing that can lead to dark chapped lips, allergies can be caused by so many things such as spicy foods, cosmetics, toothpaste, etc

5. Sun Exposure: Sun Exposure can also affect the lips, an increase in UV rays can make the lips dark and dull because UV rays tend to darken the skin and reduces the amount of skin moisture.

 How Long Does It Take To Heal Dark-Chapped Lips?

It usually takes some time for dark-chapped lips to be reversed, the maximum duration is 4 - 6 weeks this is because dark-chapped lips require consistent treatment for them to heal properly, you just have to be careful when treating your lips to prevent further comprising issues.

How To Get Rid Of Dark-Chapped Lips

1. Moisturize Your Lips: Moisturizers are remarkable for the lips, moisturizer can reduce chapped lips, prevents dryness of the lips, and helps the lips to contain moisture. Moisturizers can be in form of lip balm, lip gloss, etc moisturizers should be used frequently on a day-to-day basis.

2. Exfoliate Your Lips: Exfoliating the lips can help to reduce dark chapped lips, this helps to remove dead skin cells from the upper layer of the lips, and this is one effective way to get rid of dark chapped lips. you can exfoliate your lip by using a chemical scrub or homemade scrub.

3. Stay Hydrated: Water is very important for the body, water is one effective way to get rid of dark-chapped lips because it prevents dryness of lips and peeling of lips that may result in hyperpigmentation. Apart from drinking water, you should also increase your intake of fruits because fruits are rich in vitamins and water which can help to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Eat fruits that are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A this will help to fasten the healing process.

4. Apply Oils: Oil can help reduce dark chapped lips, applying oil to your lips will help moisturize your lips and make them soft and supple, oils such as almond oils are a wonderful choice for the lips, and coconut oils are also extraordinary for the lips it keeps the lips soft and smooth. Apply oils to your lips daily to improve the lip's appearance.

5. Sunscreen: Sunscreen can help prevent the lips from drying out and becoming pigmented, it's either you apply sunscreens to your lips or use a lip balm that has SPF this will help to prevent dark chapped lips from reoccurring.

Natural Home Remedies For The Treatment Of Dark-Chapped Lips

1. Honey: Honey has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can improve the texture and appearance of the lips.

How To Use

  • Apply a few drops of honey to the lips.
  • Leave for 10-20 mins.
  • Wipe off.

2. Lemon: Lemon has antioxidant properties that can be used in treating dark-chapped Lips. You can make a lemon scrub and use it gently to exfoliate the lips.

How To Use

  • Add 1 tablespoon of lemon.
  • Add I tablespoon of sugar.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Mix smoothly.
  • Apply gently on your lips with two fingers.
  • Leave for 10 mins.
  • Rinse with water.

3. Tumeric: Tumeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-microbial properties this turmeric can help with healing chapped lips and can lighten dark lips, this is a natural and effective remedy for treating dark chapped lips.

How To Use

  • Add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of milk.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Mix smoothly
  • Apply to your lips
  • Leave for 10-15 mins
  • Rinse with water.

5. Almond Oil: Almond oil is rich in vitamins that can help to reduce dry and cracked lips, and it can also improve the appearance of the lips.

How To Use

  • Apply a few drops of almond oil to your lips.
  • Reapply twice daily for an adequate result.

6. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties that can help to prevent and reduce cracked and dry lips, this is one of the effective natural remedies for treating dark chapped lips.

How To Use

  • Apply a few drops of coconut oil to your lips.
  • Reapply two to three times daily.

Wrap-Up: Getting rid of dark-chapped lips requires time and patience it's, not something that can fade away overnight, you have to be consistent after treating your dark-chapped lips, some prevention recommendations that can help to keep your lips intact include drinking water frequently, using a lip balm with SPF, using lip moisturizers before applying lipsticks, this will help to soften the lips and prevent them from drying out, exfoliating your lips often also prevent dark chapped lips. These above-listed steps will help you achieve your desired lips.

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