
How To Gently Remove Dead Skin From Face

Dead skin on the face can be a cause of concern because it usually causes flaky and rough skin, most people use good skincare products and don't see the effect on their skin, this is because the pores of the skin are clogged by dead skin cells, which can prevent your creams and lotion from penetrating the skin, you need to remove this dead skin from your skin surface to be able to achieve soft, smooth, and glowing skin, continue reading to get a better understanding of how to gently remove dead skin from the face.


What Is Dead Skin?

Dead skin is usually referred to as dead skin cells that are been shed by our body and it is been replaced with new cells, these dead skin cells tend to form a thick layer on the surface of the skin.

What Is Exfoliation?

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin which is been carried out by a tool or substance known as an exfoliator.

Types Of Exfoliation

1. Chemical: Chemical exfoliation is the process of using chemicals to get rid of dead skin cells from the skin, this type of exfoliation can help to improve your skin texture and appearance, there are varieties of chemical exfoliators which include

A. AHA (Alpha hydroxyl acids): Alpha hydroxyl acids are very effective in removing dead skin from the skin, AHA can come in different forms it comes in creams, serums, and lotions, there are safe for the skin, but there might be an irritation if you have sensitive and oily skin, examples of AHA are malic acid, glycolic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, etc this AHA exfoliant can be used to remove dead skin from the face.

B. BHA (Beta hydroxyl acids): Beta hydroxyl acids can also be used in removing dead skin cells from the skin they can also be effective in clearing acne scars and acne on the face, BHA can also help to clear hyperpigmentation on the skin, example include the salicylic acid.

3. Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are a great exfoliant that helps to remove the upper layer of the skin or dead skin cells, chemical peels are usually used to treat acne scars, acne, blemishes, dark spots, hyperpigmentation, etc chemical peels are widely used especially by dermatologists in treating skin problems such as acne, it is advisable to carry out a patch test before using a chemical peel on the face.

2. Physical: Physical exfoliation is the process of using tools like brush, powder, beads, etc to remove dead skin cells from the skin, these tools and abrasion include


A.Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is an abrasion instrument that can be used to gently remove dead skin from the face, this help to remove the thicker layer of the skin, it's usually used to treat hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and stretch marks. It can irritate your skin if you have sensitive skin.

B: Brush: This type of technique involves the use of a brush with soft bristles to gently remove dead skin from your face, it is an effective way of removing dead skin from your face, avoid using this technique on a face with injury.

C: Powder: Exfoliating powder is another way to get rid of dead skin from your face, this exfoliating powder can deeply cleanse the skin by removing excess oil that may clog your pores and thick dead skin layers that may cause flaky skin on your face.

Is it Important To Exfoliate Your Skin?

Exfoliating is a must if you want to achieve flawless skin because the body sheds thousands of dead skin cells daily which is been renewed by new cells, and this dead skin can cause build-up on your skin thereby resulting in dry, dull, and flaky skin, dead skin can also clog the skin pores and prevents your skincare products from penetrating through your skin. It is important to exfoliate your skin to prevent dead skin layers from forming on your skin, you can gently remove dead skin from your face to achieve a healthy and soft skin texture, and exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, avoid exfoliating your skin every day because too much exfoliating can damage your skin's protective barrier which can result in dry, acne and rough skin.

What Are The Precautions To Take Before Exfoliating?

1. Visit your dermatologist to determine your skin type and the right exfoliant suitable for your skin type.

2. Make sure you glance through the ingredients in a chemical exfoliator to know if it's suitable for your skin type before applying it to your face.

3. Conduct a patch test to know if a particular product is suitable for your face before you continue using it to avoid skin irritation.

4. When using an exfoliating tool on your face make sure you don't apply pressure this can cause severe damage to your skin, use it gently on your face if you must use an exfoliating tool.

5. Make sure you check for harsh ingredients like salt If you decide on choosing a scrub as your exfoliator because some ingredients like salt in scrubs can irritate your skin if you have sensitive skin.

Conclusion: Exfoliating is the major way to remove dead skin from your face, exfoliator contains ingredients that can deeply penetrate and cleanse the skin, you can add an exfoliator to your skincare regime if you don't have any, it is important to gently remove dead skin from your face to give you a soft, smooth and glowing skin texture.

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