
What Is Collagen? Benefits of collagen On The Skin

Low collagen levels in the skin can result in skin aging, and different factors can result in collagen breakdown in the body, in this article we will be sharing with you the benefits of collagen on the skin and different ways to stimulate the collagen level on your skin if you are interested in getting more information about collagen and its benefits kindly read till the end.


What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein that is made up of long thin fibrils which help to give the skin cells strength and hold them tightly together, this collagen is usually found in connective tissue such as skin, ligaments, bones, cartilage, muscles, etc

What Does Collagen Do For Your Skin?

Collagen is known as the most abundant protein in the human body, the skin is made up of 80% of collagen, which helps to give the skin its elasticity through the help of a fibrous protein known as elastin. Collagen helps to strengthen the skin, improves skin firmness, and helps to keep the skin young.

What Is Collagen Made Of?

Collagen is made up of three amino acids which include proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline, etc varieties of food are high in collagen which can be eaten daily to improve your collagen level such food include chicken skin, organ meat, eggs, beans, fish, beef, seafood, etc these foods are highly rich in protein.

How To Boost Your Collagen Production In Skin

1. Vitamin C: Vitamin c can be used to boost collagen production in your skin, vitamin c is very beneficial for the skin, it can help with the production of collagen in your skin, fruits that are rich in vitamin c can be applied topically on the skin, or can be taken as a supplement, such fruits include citrus fruits such as oranges, grapes, lemon, strawberries, etc.

2. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has long-lasting soothing properties on the skin, aloe vera is high in collagen and can be used to boost the collagen level in your skin, which can increase the skin elasticity and firmness, it can also help to reduce wrinkles and fines line on your face, it can be applied topically on the skin, or it can be taken orally to boost your collagen production.

3. Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid is another effective way to boost the skin's collagen production, hyaluronic acid can also be found in food such as beans and soy, hyaluronic acid can help to boost your collagen production when applied to your skin or taken through food and supplement, it improves the skin elasticity, it reduces wrinkles and fine lines on your face, it makes the skin firm. 

4. Antioxidants: Antioxidants can be effective in boosting collagen production in the skin, antioxidants can be gotten from foods such as potatoes, carrots, beetroot, pumpkin, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, avocados, blueberries, etc antioxidant can help to boost collagen production, reduce aging, increase skin elasticity, and improve skin firmness, antioxidant can also be used in skincare products to help with a young and youthful glow.

5. Ginseng: Ginseng is a plant that is used in the production of supplements to boost the production of collagen in the skin, ginseng plant can also be used in the production of tea, this plant has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles on the face, it can help to improve the skin elasticity and firmness.

6. Apply Collagen Creams And Serums: Collagen creams and serums are formulated with ingredients that can help to boost collagen production in your skin, these cream and serum are topically applied to the skin to boost the skin collagen level, and they can also help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

7. Retinol: Retinol is a good source of vitamin A which can help in collagen production in the skin, retinol can be found in serum and creams, it can be used to reduce aging on the skin, it can help to improve your skin elasticity, it improves the skin texture, it is super enriching to the skin, retinol can cause skin irritation so it is advisable to conduct a patch test on your skin to know if it is suitable for your skin type.

Benefits Of Collagen On The Skin

1. Collagen can help to improve skin elasticity and firmness.

2. Collagen increases blood flow in the skin.

3. Collagen can help in improving skin hydration.

4. Collagen diminishes wrinkles and fine lines on the face.

5. Collagen improves skin texture and appearance.

6. Collagen can help to reduce stretch marks on the skin.

7. Collagen can help to improve overall skin health.

Factors Causing The Breakdown Of Collagen

Certain factors can be responsible for the breakdown of collagen in our body and skin, this reduction in collagen level can affect skin health by resulting in less stretching skin, which may result in early skin aging, such factors include

  • Frequent Alcohol intake
  • Frequent Smoking
  • UV Rays
  • Stress
  • Environmental Conditions
  • Aging
  • Malnutrition
  • Insufficient water intake

Conclusion: The benefits of collagen on the skin are numerous, collagen is the key to healthy and young glowing skin, the lack of collagen in the body can result in early aging such as wrinkles and fine lines, it is important to increase your collagen level by either applying it topically on your skin or by intake of rich protein foods and supplement to enable you to achieve youthful and glowing skin.

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